Eun Soo-Hyun is one of the main leads of Wonderful World. Kim Nam-Joo plays the character in the show.
Eun Soo-Hyun was a celebrated psychology professor and an author.
She has written the novel Love in Time, and for a non-celebrity author, her book signing event witnessed a very large turnout.
She is also the first Korean recipient of the Rosaline Literary Award.
She gave birth to Gun-Woo after going through four miscarriages.
The perfect family
Needless to say, Gun-Woo was the apple of the eyes of both Soo-Hyun and her adoring husband, Kang Su-Ho.
She led a happy life, with her husband who, though suffering from mental health issues ever since he quit his job at ABS News, tried his best to hide it from his family while giving them his time.
Then there was Gun-Woo, a most gentle young boy who loved nothing more than his mother and father.
Gun-Woo’s passing
One day, when he sneaks out of the house, he ends up running along a considerable distance from the house and gets hit by a car.
The driver puts him inside his car but later on, he throws him on the side of the road, which wastes precious time that could save his life.
Gun-Woo is put on life support in the ICU for days until Soo-Hyun’s mother tells her to let him go and be free of his pain.
He flatlines shortly after Soo-Hyun tends to him for the last time. It wrecks Eun Soo-Hyun to pieces and a similar condition afflicts her husband.
The trial
After the funeral, the trial begins, but the court ends up giving Ji-Woong a measly sentence which they even suspend for the time being.
Eun Soo-Hyun confronts Ji-Woong about his remorse or the lack thereof.
Although he did make a show of how he regrets his actions in front of the media, he never apologized to Gun-Woo.
The vengeful turn
Soo-Hyun asks her to apologize to her kid, but he shows his true color as the remorseless, sociopathic corrupt man of power.
Soo-Hyun can’t bear this interaction on top of the injustice, so she gets in her car and runs him over.
Soon, she’s jailed for it, and Kim Joon, the congressman who helped Ji-Woong, makes sure she suffers.
Soo-Hyun’s quest for vengeance continues as she meets another person who was wronged by the justice system, and the two join each other on a perilous journey of retribution.
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