Sand Land: The Series summary and ending explained

Sand Land: The Series follows a human and two demons form a team to go against those in power to bring justice to their common folk brethren who are being deprived and robbed of their rights. The series is now streaming on Disney+.

Plot summary

Rao, the sheriff of a remote village in Sand Land, teams up with the fiend prince Beelzebub and his demon subordinate Thief, to set out in search of a legendary lake to provide their people water. 

They end up finding out that the greedy King has hidden and held the official source of water from the public for decades. Their mission now is to free up that source. 

The trio is helped by General Are who learns the truth about the greedy King and tyrannical Supreme Commander Zeu. They fight Zeu and destroy the dam, providing the citizens with the water they deserve. 

Later, they meet a girl named Ann, who gets injured while trying to sneak away Aquanium from drones. 

They learn she’s the daughter of the king of Forest Land, who has been exiled by the leaders of the coup d’état — Supreme Commander Bred, and a pesky angel named Muniel who earlier got in the crosshairs with Beelzebub. 

They help Ann and the rebels to defeat Bred and Muniel, but the two end up getting all the Aquanium they need to attack Sand Land. They launch Garam — a flying ship capable of apocalyptic destruction. 

The trio, Ann, the rebels, and others, all take the fight to Garam and the protagonists manage to defeat the enemies. Muniel is served divine justice as Bred reforms himself. 

Ending explained:

Sand Land gets water 

In the first arc’s finale, Rao, Beelzebub, and Thief end up defeating Supreme Commander Zeu and freeing up the water source, and the whole of Sand Land gets to enjoy flowing rivers of water again. 

They’re helped by former rebels and even the dissenting King’s Army members. In the second arc finale, they have to go up against the new rulers of Forest Land and seek to blow up their homeland with Aquanium energy blasts. 

However, the protagonists help contain the blast as Great Lucifer is finally freed and directs the blast upwards, towards the stratosphere. The effect of the explosion causes heavy rainfall, and Sand Land is drenched in water again. 

Lucifer & Lilith are free 

Lilith fell in love with King Jam of Forest Land. For being a demon, Angel Muniel sought to destroy her in order to rule over Forest Land himself. 

He ended up rallying Supreme Commander Bred to his cause and manipulate him against Lilith and the King. Together, they lead a coup d’état and overthrow the king. 

Muniel’s powerful urn ends up capturing Lilith, and she’s trapped inside it for years. In the present Muniel also ends up trapping Lucifer inside one urn too. 

The final battle between Beelzebub and Muniel ends with the latter’s defeat, as he eats one diabolical punch to his gut and vomits the urns out of his mouth. 

The urns fall on the ground and crack, and outcome Lucifer and Lilith from their respective captivities. Lucifer helps contain the explosion, while Lilith protects Beelzebub and Ann from the explosion. 

The epilogue

King Jam assumes his throne once again. Supreme Commander Bred pledges loyalty to the king once again, determined to follow the path of peace from now on. 

Muniel is apprehended by a messenger, who takes him to the Archangel who summons him for the mess he created. His punishment entails 1000 years of menial tasks. 

Ann decides to roam around the world a bit, honing her skills in mechanics. She’s accompanied by the trio of protagonists, as they continue their adventures across the Sand Land. 

Also Read: Beelzebub: Sand Land character explained

Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh is an editor at The Envoy Web, and when not writing about films and shows, he's busy attending to a perpetually growing and an all-genre-encompassing binge list.

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