Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever summary and ending explained

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever follows Greg Heffley as he fights to stay off Santa’s naughty list while his family prepares for a major snowstorm. The film is currently streaming on Disney+.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary

Greg Heffley tries to make it off the naughty list so Santa comes through with the gift he wants for this year’s Christmas — a new video game system.

His efforts are all buried under snow as a snowman he tries to make with his friend Rowley, ends up rolling down the street, becoming a massive snowball, and crashing into the snowplow lady’s truck.

The lady chases after the kids but Greg and Rowley manage to evade her. Greg ideates dumping their scarves into a bin so they won’t be recognized.

In the following days, Greg tries his best to be a good boy for the gift, as his family contends with a snowstorm that takes out the whole power grid.

Greg is shocked to see his and Rowley’s wanted posters making the rounds and his brother Roderick starts getting close to figuring out what Greg has been up to. Greg finally decides to go to the bin and reclaim the evidence.

He encounters the snowplow lady and she later drops him home. She also finds the truth but she lets him go, seeing how he’s a good-natured kid.

Greg is imbued with the spirit of Christmas and he decides to give back the kindness he was rewarded with, as Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever rolls the credits.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever ending explained in detail:

What do Greg and Rowley do?

Greg and Rowley are making a snowman but do a pretty poor job at it. The big snowball ends up ruining the lawn and they decide to keep it aside.

The ball falls off the ledge and onto the road, where it starts rolling and rolling into a bigger ball until it collapses onto the truck of the snowplow lady.

She chases them but they escape successfully. Later, they try to get rid of the evidence, by dumping their scarves and earmuffs into the dustbin, which turns out to be a donation box for gifts for the underprivileged kids.

Is Greg arrested?

Greg and Rowley’s approximate faces etched on wanted posters throughout the street start making rounds. He gets anxious but their identifiable articles of clothing are inside the bin, so no big deal.

However, the bin turns out to be a donation box and now Greg must return to the box to retrieve the incriminating evidence since his name is sewn inside of his scarf, and that would lead the police, as he so worries, to him and Rowley.

He takes Rowley with him and goes to the box but soon he encounters the snowplow lady, who gives him a ride home. She tells him about his kid and how she hasn’t been able to give him a gift he’s been wanting for a while now.

She also finds out that Greg is the kid behind that snowplow incident later on, but in the Christmas spirit and after seeing his kind nature, she lets him off the hook. Soon, the police come knocking.

Greg thinks the lady told on him, but the cops are actually there to ask for the donation, which they’re doing home-to-home since nobody could make it to the box due to the snowstorm.

Greg asks the cops to deliver what he has to donate, specifically to the snowplow lady’s home. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever ends with the lady enjoying her time with her son, playing on the same video game system that Greg wanted and got as a Christmas present.

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