In Anthracite, Claude is Jaro’s uncle. Jaro lives with him and his aunt, Marie. Kad Merad plays Claude.
After relocating to Lévionna to complete his six-month probation, Jaro moves into the house of his uncle and aunt, Claude and Marie.
Both Claude and Jaro are haunted by the death of Juliette, Jaro’s mother and Claude’s sister.
Jaro often feels that he is being a burden to Claude and Marie, but Claude always comes to his rescue.
When Juliette got obsessed with Caleb, Claude was 20. He describes himself as a selfish kid and says that he won’t forgive himself for everything he did back then.
Claude’s secrets don’t come out until the end, and they have a lot to do with murders taking place in the town.
Claude’s big secret
Claude once hands Jaro Juliette’s tape recorder, which contains an audio clip of his mother singing. Little does he know that it also has a conversation between Juliette and Roxane, which later exposes a secret that Claude is hiding.
In the series, the killer also targets Marie. For some reason, Marie’s murder doesn’t make sense until Jaro listens to the entire tape from his mother’s tape recorder.
The conversation between Roxane and Juliette reveals that Claude used to hurt Juliette, making Jaro wonder what else his uncle had done to his mother.
Is Ida Claude’s daughter?
One of the interviews with Juliette that Solal recorded has footage of Juliette giving birth to a baby girl, whom a teenage Juliette instantly rejects.
Solal ends up adopting that baby girl and naming her Ida. For a long time, Ida and Solal both suspect that Caleb is Ida’s father, as he used to have a lot of girls around him.
However, Ida’s followers, whom she calls sleuths, investigate. The gene maps of Caleb and Ida suggest that it’s impossible that Caleb is Ida’s father, leaving Claude as the only suspect who could have gotten Juliette pregnant.
Claude’s crimes and fate
After learning the secret his uncle is hiding, Jaro confronts Claude, who admits that he raped his own sister.
Roxane knew about Claude’s behavior towards his sister, which is why Claude killed her and painted Caleb and his cult as the suspects.
Claude regrets everything he did and strived to keep all of that buried, but the past kept catching up to him, prompting him to commit more crimes.
Claude is responsible for the death of Juliette too. She was recovering by going to therapy, and he was scared that she had started remembering everything. He lit the house on fire to kill her.
Afraid that Solal is reopening the investigation into Roxane and Caleb’s case, he also attacked Solal, who had come back to Lévionna in search of Caleb, hoping he would be a match for Ida for the transplant she needs.
Claude killed Marie too because she heard the tape and learned the truth. Claude did all in his power to keep everything under wraps. Ultimately, he failed.
Jaro almost beats Claude to death but stops himself from committing the crime. Ida arrives at the location. However, it’s not revealed what the two do with him.
Also Read: Anthracite summary and ending explained