In Ready, Set, Love, City Ground is a rebel group that seeks to abolish The Farm.
After the pandemic of 1974, the male birth rate plummeted to 1% and continued declining every year.
To protect men from human trafficking, the government mandated that all male children be raised in a secure facility called The Farm.
Not all mothers agree to part with their sons and send them to The Farm, where they are deprived of freedom and familial love.
The people who are aware of The Farm’s corruption seek to dismantle the political system that renders men commodities to be bought by the rich.
City Ground, a rebel group, emerges as both the main opponent and the greatest threat to The Farm.
City Ground’s struggle for freedom
When Paper sneaks out of The Farm, he goes to a secret location to meet Chun. To his surprise, the meeting place turns out to be the headquarters of City Ground.
It is revealed that Chun is a member of City Ground, which is why he is one of the few men who live outside The Farm and get to enjoy freedom.
He tells Paper about the rebellion that took place thirteen years ago. The fact that people’s rights and families were taken away from them led to the formation of City Ground.
City Ground opposed the government and tried to rescue a group of men living on The Farm. However, the rescue mission was not successful.
After the group’s failure, most of the rescued men were taken back to The Farm, and only some of them managed to get away.
City Ground was purged, and its members had to go underground. They have been living in hiding since then, but the group is still active.
The mothers of City Ground oppose the corrupt system for their sons’ freedom, fully aware that their defiance could result in imprisonment and sedation.
It is because of their sacrifice that men like Chun can live their lives as they please. Almond and Valentine’s mother could not protect Almond when he was born, but she is still searching for him.
Valentine, a City Ground operative, is tasked with finding her brother and rescuing him. She infiltrates The Farm by working on the sets of Ready, Set, Love.
While Valentine fails to reunite Almond with their mother, she and Chun manage to expose The Farm’s corruption, resulting in widespread protests.
They also rescue Day, Son, and Paper, along with Jenny and her partner, who are offered refuge by the group in exchange for Jenny’s help.
Also Read: The Farm in Ready, Set, Love explained