Big Love: Praise This character explained

In Praise This, Aaron, also known as Big Love, often attracts the attention of many girls who are around him, including Sam. Drew ‘Druski’ Desbordes plays Big Love.

When Jess brings Sam to the Oil Factory, one by one, she introduces everyone to her. She talks about everyone loudly, except for Big Love. She tells Sam that Big Love was once a big marijuana dealer in Atlanta.

One day, he suddenly and mysteriously stopped selling such things, turned, and decided to give his life to the Lord. Melissa, the daughter of one of the church’s biggest donors, joined the place after following him here. The rumor is that he is dating her.

Big Love’s charm

The way Big Love talks and pleases everyone is something that makes people like him. He is very helpful when his friends need him the most.

Last year, during a praise team competition, when the Oil Factory realized that they are not bringing anything new to the table, Jess looked to improvise, and Big Love wholeheartedly supported the team and became the first man to switch gears with his rap while they were performing.

Things didn’t go well for them as they embarrassed themselves with a really bad performance where no one connected with each other.

Big Love: Praise This character explained 1
Big Love assures Sam that he is there for her

Big Love hasn’t changed at all. Even when Melissa stops him from talking to Sam, he finds a way to do so and lets her know that he is there for her. Sam becomes sure that Big Love is special.

Due to this same charm, girls often misunderstand Big Love. He asks them out for help, and they think he is taking them on a date.

Something similar happens with Melissa. She purposefully slashed her tires and waited for Big Love to pick her up. She thought he is into her, and that’s why he is doing it again and again. Big Love wasn’t even aware that she was doing that for him.

Big Love’s secrets

At the regional praise team competition, Pastor PG catches Big Love red-handed when TY approaches him and talks about the drugs he sold them. Furthermore, he is selling it for $10,000, which makes PG question Big Love.

Big Love escapes after trying to hide the whole thing. Later, when the Oil Factory comes together after falling apart, Sam confesses her mistake. Following her, other members join the cue and confess something they are hiding, including Big Love.

Big Love reveals that he is still selling weed. He thought no one knew this, but it turns out that everyone does. He says that this business of his will end now. There is one person he still has to serve; after that, he will put an end to this.

Big Love also discloses that he is dating someone from Champion Life, breaking the hearts of the likes of Sam and Jess, who now understand why he friend-zoned them.

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