Orgasm Inc review: How OneTaste went from sexual wellness to allegations galore

Netflix’s documentary Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste follows the rise and fall of the titular company from a sexual wellness startup to a hotbed of controversial allegations.


Nicole Daedone founded OneTaste in 2001, a startup intended to enable women to achieve enlightenment through orgasmic mediation.

Focused on the sexual liberation of women, Nicole attracted not just women but a lot of men starved for sex as well. Soon, the startup began gaining new heights of success.

Nicole got the sexual wellness brand from a startup to a big and hugely promising company, thanks to new venture capitalists and investors interested in the brand.

However, things didn’t take that much time to become worse. The employees at OneTaste were in a disarray regarding the iffy compensation structure among some allegedly shady and predatory environment being cultivated.

Orgasm Inc then switches gears and pulls the curtains on some of the worst allegations levied against Nicole and OneTaste. Former members of the company allege many horrible things in the interviews throughout the documentary’s runtime.

Some members in the interviews allege that OneTaste fostered a culture of embrace for the predatory nature of male sexuality, saying that women were sexually assaulted as part of sexual liberation.

The documentary then retraces how the company fell from grace and now exists as a rebranded new entity, with Nicole having sold off her stake and the FBI actively investigating into the company.


Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste is a concise documentary film that takes the viewers through the diabolical run of the titular company.

There are no standout moments of dramatization, which can often be the case with true crime documentaries.


Some of the montages including the footage of OneTaste ceremonies and gatherings can feel a bit infringing on the members’ right to decency, even if the intimate parts are blurred.

Some of the montages cut into what seems like a promotional video for OneTaste feels really out of place and contrary to what the message the documentary wishes to convey.


Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste is a solid and gripping watch into the devolution of a sexual wellness and liberation brand into an allegedly sexually violent and non-consensual environment.

All the interviews with the members once close to the organisation provide a great opportunity to take a peek into the company’s dark past and also the heart-wrenching story of people who survived their harshest phases of life.

Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste
Orgasm Inc review: How OneTaste went from sexual wellness to allegations galore 1

Director: Sarah Gibson & Sloane Klevin

Date Created: 2022-11-05 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Orgasm Inc: The Story of OneTaste explained: Does the company still exist?

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