Mixed by Erry review: Fabulous score elevates this decent depiction of history

Mixed by Erry tells the story of Enrico Frattasio, an aspiring DJ who ends up creating one of the largest piracy empires in Italy. The film is streaming on Netflix.


Enrico Frattasio has exceptional taste in music and he uses that talent to make mix tapes on request. With an increase in requests, he approaches his brother about turning it into a lucrative business.

The three brothers get together to build a massive brand called “Mixed by Erry” that sells countless tapes of Erry’s compilations copied from original records. They make deals with manufacturers and distributors to rake in money in millions.

However, their success attracts the attention of the authorities who are trying to clamp down on piracy and counterfeit tapes that pull away profits from the big record companies in Italy. Erry and his brothers ultimately face the music after an exhilarating journey to the top.


Luigi D’Oriano plays the grown-up Enrico, a musical genius whose simple dreams are turned into a huge operation. D’Oriano’s performance is subtle and pleasing as the everyman protagonist.

Giuseppe Arena plays Enrico’s older brother Peppe who has all the trademarks of a stressed-out Italian man. Arena goes all in for a character who is burdened by his intellect.

Emanuele Palumbo’s portrayal of the youngest brother rounds out the spectrum of personalities within the trio. Palumbo is brash and impulsive although he doesn’t have as much of an impact as the other two.


Being a film that is centered around music, the soundtrack is sensational. Picking out some of the best hits of the 80s and interspersing them with an upbeat score is what truly makes it entertaining.

The costumes and the setting of 1980s Italy have been captured to perfection. Mixed by Erry is a very vibrant film that depicts the bright side of the era.


The story is quite milquetoast and more than likely glosses over some of the more serious elements of the Frattasio brothers’ journey. It rushes through the narrative at times in a hurry to reach the end.

This pace does affect the story as certain events are glossed over without enough of an explanation when a deeper exploration might have benefited instead.


Mixed by Erry is an adequate film retelling a story about simple people who go against the established order to make a comfortable life for themselves. A banger of a soundtrack improves the experience but only slightly as this film cruises toward the finish line with just enough fuel in the tank.

Mixed by Erry
Mixed by Erry review: Fabulous score elevates this decent depiction of history 1

Director: Sydney Sibilia

Date Created: 2023-05-31 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Mixed by Erry summary and ending explained

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