Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 12 recap & review: Dull Knife

In Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 12, the Shibuya arcs picks up pace as the sorcerers get busy fighting the enemies while trying to help Gojo.


Nanami finds Ijichi’s injured body and carries him to safety, enraged at the massacre Haruta has unleashed. Nobara and Nitta have to fight Haruta, who overwhelms them completely until Nanami arrives.

Nanami makes mincemeat out of Haruta before heading off to assist Maki and Naobita. Meanwhile, Yuji and Megumi break the seal but the veils trapping Gojo and the people public are still up.

The grandma curse user is killed swiftly by Toji, who takes over her grandson, thanks to the host’s soul losing to Toji’s body. Megumi and Yuji also save Ino’s life after he’s thrown off the terrace by Toji.

Megumi takes Ino to safety while Yuji goes to meet up with Nanami. Mei Mei and Ui Ui battle with the smallpox deity curse that Pseudo-Geto releases on them.

Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 11 ends with Yuji running into Choso, who immediately attacks Yuji.


  • Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 12 offers one of the best character moments with Nanami holding Haruta down by his hair, nerves popping, and brows frowning.
  • The stakes and the precarious situation do not elude anyone here, though, as even the side characters like Haruta prove how unprecedented and difficult this incident is going to shape up to be for the sorcerers.
  • Toji and Megumi’s reunion is still not here yet, but just teetering on the edge. That, and the battle between Choso and Yuji are already feeling like major events.

Also Read: Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 11 recap & review

Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh is an editor at The Envoy Web, and when not writing about films and shows, he's busy attending to a perpetually growing and an all-genre-encompassing binge list.

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