The Sea Beast: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser & more

The Sea Beast is an upcoming animated film that tells the story of a legendary monster hunter whose life goes topsy-turvy when he finds an unwanted guest aboard his ship on a hunting expedition.

Release date

The Sea Beast premieres on Netflix on July 8.

Cast and creators

  • Karl Urban
  • Zaris-Angel Hator
  • Jared Harris
  • Marianne Jean-Baptiste
  • Dan Stevens
  • Kathy Burke

Directed by Chris Williams


“In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes – and none were more beloved than the great Jacob Holland. But when young Maisie Brumble stows away on his fabled ship, he’s saddled with an unexpected ally. Together, they embark on an epic journey into uncharted waters and make history.”

Other details

Chris Williams co-directed the Academy Award-winning 2014 animated film Big Hero 6. He previously worked at Disney before leaving to direct The Sea Beast for Netflix.


Jacob Holland (Karl Urban) is a true adventurer, exploring the vast seas and fighting all kinds of monsters. Young Maisie (Zaris-Angel Hator) sneaks into his ship, thanks to her fascination for the unknown creatures that dwell in the depths of the seas.

What happens when she befriends a monster herself? After all, ask Holland and he will tell you- a sea beast is no friend.

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