Once Upon a Time… Happily Never After is a musical comedy that follows a story of a couple in two different lifetimes, trying to break a spell cast on them.
Release Date
Once Upon a Time… Happily Never After will begin streaming on Netflix from March 11.
Cast and creators
- Sebastián Yatra
- Nía Correia
- Mónica Maranillo
- Asier Etxeandia
- Mariana Treviño
- Mariola Fuentes
- Itziar Castro
- Julian Villagran
- Daniela Vega
- Rossy de Palma
Creator and Director: Manolo Caro
“A couple forced to separate must find each other in another life to break a spell on their town, where no one can fall in love.”
Other details
The web series is a musical comedy that also falls into the fantasy genre.
In a mystical setting in the Middle Ages, a princess and her lover seek to maintain their love forever. The lover acquires a blue dragon from a witch, which is accompanied by an everlasting curse – the princess stays in love with him forever. However, the catch is that if anything happens to the lover, she nor anyone in the kingdom will fall in love again.