Amidst the tension surrounding Spider-Man’s existence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Disney has revealed three new original Marvel shows for Disney+. The announcement came at their biennial convention; the D23 Expo in California.
1. Ms. Marvel
In the comics, Carol Danvers took up the Ms. Marvel mantle before she ascended to the Captain Marvel alias. However, at present, young superhero Kamala Khan is known as Ms. Marvel in the comics and will make her live-action debut with the series.
She is also Marvel’s first Muslim character with her own comic book. Introduced in 2013, she is a teenager from Jersey who attains healing and shapeshifting abilities.
2. Moon Knight
First appearing in 1975 in the comics, Marc Spector is a former boxer, Marine and a mercenary who suffers from multiple personalities. He is given his powers by Egyptian moon God Khonshu.
He then takes up the mantle of Moon Knight to fight crime. Also known as “The fist of Khonshu”, he creates a costume with a silver shroud in honour of the God.
3. She-Hulk
Created by Stan Lee and John Buscema in 1980, She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters is Bruce Banner’s (The Hulk) cousin. She turns into a version of the green gamma monster after she undergoes a blood transfusion from banner following a gunshot injury.
She does indeed become stronger and turn green but stays in control of her mind. Her condition is comparable to the smart version of Hulk we saw in Avengers: Endgame.
These announcements add to Disney+’s evergrowing roster of superhero shows which Marvel boss Kevin Feige announced at San Diego Comic-Con earlier this year. The following are the already announced titles:
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2020)
WandaVision (2021)
Loki (2021)
What If…? (2021)
Hawkeye (2021)
To read more about the previously announced Marvel shows, click here.