Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story: Release date, synopsis, trailer & more

‘Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story’ is a Netflix documentary about British DJ, television presenter and comedian, Jimmy Savile, who got away with abuse, even in the public eye.

Release date

Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story will be released on Netflix on April 6, 2022.


“TV star Jimmy Savile charmed a nation with his eccentricity and philanthropy. But sexual abuse allegations expose a shocking unseen side of his persona.”

Other details

Jimmy Savile was a very public figure and was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1990.


The Netflix documentary follows the life and lies of British public figure Jimmy Savile. He pretended to be a philanthropist and person of good nature, while constantly sexually abusing hospital patients he was given access to.

The documentary shows videos of his life in the past and the haunting statements he made.

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