Drink Masters: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

When the world’s most ingenious mixologists come together, they have to surprise everyone. Drink Masters will give them a chance to put their cocktail craft to the test for a prize of $100k and the title of the Ultimate Drink Master.

Release date

Drink Masters will release on October 28th, 2022 exclusively on Netflix.

Cast and creators

  • Kate Gerwin
  • Loyd von Rose
  • Christian “Suzu” Suzuki-Orellana
  • Frankie Solarik
  • Meredith Barry
  • Natalie Migliarini

Frankie Solarik and Julie Reiner as judges

Tone Bell as show host


“Drink Masters is a ten-episode show which will include challenges to make the most dazzling cocktails from the most bizarre ingredients on the shelf. Innovations will tick the clock and palates of spirit connoisseurs who will decide the winner of the Ultimate Drink Master.”

Other details

Frankie Solarik, one of the judges, is the owner of BarChef – a premium cocktail bar in Toronto alongside Julie Reiner, an author, a mixologist and a bar owner.


Liquid art, wild ingredients, loads of mix-ups and one grand title. These cocktail artists must put their best foot forward to come up with the most unique combination of spirits and culinary mixtures presented to them.

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