Apple’s streaming service is set to launch a new animated web series titled, ‘Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth‘. The show is based on the best-selling children’s book from 2017 by Oliver Jeffers. It will be narrated by three-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep.
The official description reads:
The recently released trailer showcases a couple teaching their son about life on earth and the beauty that comes with it. The kid realises that the world is so huge and no matter how much he learns, it will never be enough.
As he expresses that he feels lost, the boy’s mother advises him to start with what he knows and enjoy the journey. Here We Are correctly explains that “Once imagination comes to life, you will see the world like never before.”
Its intention is to teach children about the various complexities of life and our planet in an interactive, attractive and interesting way, much like the book did.
Along with Streep, the voice cast also includes Chris O’Dowd, Ruth Negga and Jacob Tremblay. Here We Are is set to premier on Apple TV+ on 17 April.
Check out the trailer here:
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