Yoo Ji-Seon’s death in Doctor Cha explained

Yoo Ji-Seon is a supporting character in Doctor Cha who meets her death at a tragic turn of fate where Seo Jung-Min’s erroneous diagnosis leads to an unfortunate outcome.

Yoo Ji-Seon comes to Gusan University Hospital as a pregnant lady who also has cancer. The options are to take out the cancer or the baby, but she wants to have the baby — a decision her parents beg her to not make.

However, she goes ahead with the decision and eventually gives birth to her daughter. Her condition seems better than before but there are uncertainties and the task befalls Seo Jung-Min to make a decision based on a diagnosis as to let her leave the hospital or not.

A misdiagnosis

Seo Jung-Min runs a diagnosis on Yoo Ji-Seon and considers it alright if she leaves the hospital, albeit with a message that it’d be ideal if she stays at the hospital.

The results are not all out yet and Jung-Min hasn’t looked into them properly. This is because he’s been a victim of overwork and the stress and burnout it has caused within him.

Before going for her diagnosis, he is almost knocked out and flails around with his energy all depleted, which even attracts Jeon So-Ra’s attention and concerns.

The fallout

All of that leads to his mistake which contributes to Yoo Ji-Seon’s death. Jung-Min does look into the results that indicate Ji-Seon’s persisting issues and runs to show them to Roy Kim, who takes immediate action and operates on the patient.

Jung-Min Doctor Cha
Image source: Netflix

However, by that point, it’s too late and despite their efforts, the doctors can’t save Yoo Ji-Seon’s life. Roy Kim breaks the tragic news to her parents who break down in remorse.

Jung-Min seems to entirely lose his grip on most things, including his will to continue staying at the hospital. Cutting his communications off, he disappears and is finally tracked down by Jeon So-Ra, who helps him eventually confront Yoo Ji-Seon’s parents at the funeral.

Lawsuits and allegations

Meanwhile, Jung-Min’s parents, Jeong-Suk and In-Ho have to endure all the harsh words from Ji-Seon’s grieving parents and relatives, who have nothing to say but words of anger, blaming their son for neglect and being responsible for their child’s death.

They also threaten to sue the hospital and this becomes an issue for the director and rival departments who begin throwing the blames onto the other faction. In-Ho leads the charge, throwing the blame onto the Family Medicine department, and since Seung-Hi leads it so she’d be held responsible, therefore taking some of the blame off Jung-Min.

However, Seung-Hi and her department head brace for the retaliation as well, refusing to take the blame for Yoo Ji-Seon’s death. Meanwhile, Jung-Min has to tussle with the toll that this event takes on his conscience while also trying to overcome the dread it inspires, so he can continue to treat other patients and do it better.

Also Read: Seo Jung-Min: Doctor Cha character explained

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