In Against the Ropes (2023), Angela abandons Refugio for a coach called the Golden Chameleon, who makes champions out of wrestlers such as Bride in Black.
Angela first meets the Golden Chameleon when he comes to a gym looking for Bride in Black. Refugio despises the Golden Chameleon. She calls him a cheater and an awful coach.
The Golden Chameleon replies by reminding her about his eighteen regional title wins, seven national title wins, and the champions he has made out of a number of wrestlers.
After abandoning Refugio upon learning that she lied about the reason why she and her mother, Victoria, fell apart, Angela approaches the Golden Chameleon as Bride in Black.
The Golden Chameleon’s methods
The first thing the Golden Chameleon offers Bride in Black is a new golden attire. Though it isn’t her style, he insists that this is how he is going to make sure that she looks like a wrestler.
He claims that all the wrestlers he has trained have benefited from a makeover. That’s when Candy Caramelo shows up at the Golden Chameleon’s gym too.
The Golden Chameleon interferes when Bride in Black and Candy engage in an argument. He asks Candy to help him train the rookies if she wants to be here because the last time Candy was here, she promised not to step into this gym again.
The more Bride in Black spends time at the Golden Chameleon’s gym, the more she learns about his cheap tricks. He abuses rules and doesn’t mind if his wrestlers suffer and get injured during training or in matches.
The Golden Chameleon knows his way around the ring. He is an expert at hiding weapons from the referees and using them to his advantage.
All the cheap tricks aside, the Golden Chameleon also has some commendable suggestions. He tells Bride in Black that she should never reveal all her moves and keep the opponent guessing.
The Golden Chameleon’s relationship with Candy
The Golden Chameleon trained Candy when she was just a rookie. She used to be a model at a cell phone store. Even today, he knows her in and out.
The Golden Chameleon knows she is stuck here. She is not going to get another opportunity with the level of mediocrity she has; she used to have wits and she was hungry, but not anymore.
He further claims that her playing housewife to Lalo is what led to her downfall. She could’ve been a legend, but she made the wrong choice.
The moment the Golden Chameleon called her a legend, it encouraged Candy to view her old matches—the ones where he coached her.
Candy left the Golden Chameleon because she and Lalo were trying to have a baby back in the day. The Golden Chameleon never wanted them to start a family. He planned to push Candy as a champion.
Candy believes that reason is no longer a problem now that she knows she can never have a baby.
The Golden Chameleon and Bride in Black fall apart when the latter decides not to follow his ways. Candy then approaches the Golden Chameleon again. She is ready to turn into a legend and give Bride in Black what she deserves.
The Golden Chameleon’s history with Angela’s father
Rocio meets the Golden Chameleon during one of her visits to his gym with Candy. She proudly introduces herself as Black Mist’s granddaughter.
That’s when the Golden Chameleon reveals that he not only defeated her grandfather, but he also took off his mask. Nahual, who is around during this conversation, mentions how the Golden Chameleon cheated his way through the match and bribed the referee.
The Golden Chameleon defended himself by stating that winning matters because nobody remembers the losers.
Also Read: Against the Ropes (2023) review: A perfect balance of comedy and wrestling