Tedros: The Idol character explained

In her darkest times, Jocelyn meets Tedros, a man who gives her hope, but his intentions are not clear. In The Idol, Abel Tesfaye, also known as The Weeknd, plays the role of Tedros.

Jocelyn’s friend and backup dancer, Dyanne, takes Jocelyn to a club. The owner of the club dances with Jocelyn and leaves quite an impression on her. After a single meeting, Jocelyn starts liking him enough to invite him to her house, even though she does not know him well. 

A stranger’s help

Jocelyn has still not recovered from her mother’s death, and no one around her seems to know how to help her. When she meets Tedros, he says all the right things to her, and she starts liking him. 

She does not like her new song, even though it is going to be a commercial hit. She thinks that pop music is superficial, but when Tedros talks about the power of pop music, she listens to him. 

She then invites him to her house to listen to her song and give her an honest opinion, as she believes that everyone else around her lies to her. Tedros does not think that she is singing the song the way she should, so he decides to help her find her voice.

His methods are unconventional and sexual, but in the end, she creates a remix with him that she actually likes. However, the remix gets rejected by her label, and she loses all her excitement once again.

A suspicious man

Jocelyn reaches out to Tedros when the remix gets rejected. She invites him to her house again to work on music, but he decides not to go, much to her disappointment. He also lies to her, and while he talks to her, Izaak, one of the people he trains, keeps Leia busy.

Jocelyn’s managers then find out that Tedros is a shady character. His name is Tedros Tedros, and he owes a lot of people money. His last place of residency was in Hawaii. He does not seem to exist after that; there is not much known about him.

It is also revealed that Dyanne bringing Jocelyn to his club was also a setup. Dyanne is sleeping with Tedros and was told that bringing Jocelyn to the club will be good for the business. Tedros will be negotiating with Nikki on Dyanne’s behalf, and Jocelyn does not know any of this.

The Idol Tedros
Tedros introduces his friends to Jocelyn

Tedros finally goes to meet Jocelyn again, but not alone. He brings Izaak, who spends time with Leia and keeps her distracted, and Chloe, who impresses Jocelyn with her singing, to her house.

He makes Jocelyn feel better after a bad day and sleeps with her. He then offers to make new songs with her. He gets Jocelyn to like him so much in a short period of time that she agrees to him moving into her house to help her out; the prospect makes her happy.

With time, Tedros takes control of Jocelyn’s life, and she allows him to do that because she trusts him. However, Jocelyn’s managers find out that Tedros’ real name is Mauricio Costello Jackson and that he went to prison for kidnapping and torturing his ex-girlfriend. He has also committed other crimes. 

Tedros lies to Jocelyn about the reason he went to prison and makes himself look like the victim. His toxic relationship with Jocelyn worries Leia as well as Jocelyn’s managers.

When Jocelyn finds out that her first meeting with Tedros was a setup, she decides to end her relationship with him. Tedros refuses to leave her just like that, so Chaim has to get involved.

Chaim gets Talia to write about Tedros’ criminal past. Talia’s article ruins Tedros’ life, and he even loses the club, but this is not the end of his and Jocelyn’s story.

Jocelyn gets back together with him, much to everyone’s surprise. This time, their roles are reversed. Jocelyn is the one in charge, while a subdued Tedros does what she says.

Also Read: Leia: The Idol character explained

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