King Edward VI is the ruler of England who is the target of others who seek the throne. Jordan Peters plays the character.
King Edward VI ascended the throne at a very young age but he fell ill to the ‘affliction’ and spent most of his days in the palace.
He had to use a wheelchair to move around as he couldn’t stand on his own due to his weakened condition.
He is expected to name a successor as his illness is terminal and Lord Dudley convinces him to name his cousin, Lady Jane Grey, as the next ruler of England.
Edward is warned that he doesn’t have the affliction but is being poisoned by an Ethian woman named Petunia who turns into a dog.
She says that she was sent by his grandmother Margaret Beaumont and she is supposed to take him back to her.
Edward says that he wants to find out who is poisoning him before he leaves with Petunia. He eventually learns that Mary is trying to poison him, but she has him locked away by then.
The world outside
Edward was very close to Jane Grey growing up but because of his sheltered life, he still believed that Ethians were evil and that it was the duty of noblewoman to marry.
He refused her request to get out of her marriage to Guildford and upheld many of the division laws.
After getting rescued by his grandmother, he meets Flitz, an Ethian man who turns into a cat.
Spending time with Flitz helps Edward realize that he likes men romantically and the reality of the plight of the Ethians who live in the forest.
He sneaks into the palace to save Jane but she tells him to take it back with an army. He visits the base of the Pack but is unable to convince them to fight for him.
However, he does send Susannah and several flying Ethians to save his cousin and her husband from Mary.
Margaret Beaumont is certain that Edward is an Ethian because she is one as well and she tries to put him under pressure and bring out his change.
She is unsuccessful, but Edward does gain a new perspective on the Ethian people.
Also Read: Guildford Dudley: My Lady Jane character explained