In Death and Other Details, Sunil Bhandari owns Varuna, the ship Colliers and their guests are sailing on. Rahul Kohli plays Sunil.
Sunil Bhandari is one of the people Imogene really gets along with on the ship. Imogene falls for that charm of his.
Before Varuna, Sunil worked as a banker and hated this ugly world. He quit, his lover left him, and he put everything he had into making this ship.
However, he claims that he hasn’t made much of a profit by restoring this 70-year-old ship; it has instead ruined him.
He assists Imogene and Rufus in getting their hands on Colliers’ books and helping Jules’ stowaways escape.
Sunil also volunteers to find the date of the receipt that Imogene and Rufus found in Colliers’ books. However, there is a secret that Sunil is hiding.
Working for Viktor Sams
After finding a hidden camera on the ship, Rufus suspects that Viktor Sams has a minimum of two people working for him on the ship. Only someone who knows how things work on the ship has installed the camera.
Rufus, Leila, and Teddy discover the location of Viktor Sams’ servers. Rufus suspects that Sunil, who owns the ship, must be in cahoots with Viktor Sams.
It’s proven when Rufus and Imogene catch him talking to Viktor Sams. Sunil bankrupted himself by bringing this ship to life.
It’s Viktor Sams who funded the completion of his project. In exchange, Viktor Sams made some technological upgrades to the ship, and Sunil was told not to ask any questions.
Sunil designed every bit of the ship, except for the server farms of Viktor Sams. He didn’t care what they did in there.
It has been six years, and since then, they haven’t told Sunil to do anything else until Trubitsky died.
Viktor Sams ordered Sunil to keep them informed about the investigation. Sunil claims that he stopped doing it the second he found out what Viktor Sams did to Imogene.
However, a heartbroken Imogene ties him up. Sunil’s ship has now done double duty as a floating server farm for half a decade—a perfect cover to conduct an international blackmail operation and elude detection.
Also Read: Teddy & Winnie Goh: Death and Other Details characters explained