Slappy the Dummy: Goosebumps character explained

Slappy the Dummy is a ventriloquist’s dummy who is brought to life by an evil spirit and manipulates humans to do its bidding. The character is voiced by Chris Geere.

Ephraim Bratt was a failed magician who walked into a magic shop in search of something to freshen up his act. He isn’t able to afford anything good due to a lack of funds, but he does come across a case that calls out to him.

Inside is a ventriloquist’s dummy named Slappy, and Ephraim is very excited to incorporate him into his act. His wife is not so thrilled as she needs Ephraim to be more serious and provide for their family.

Road to the top

He finds a card inside Slappy’s jacket with an incantation in a different language. He says the words out loud, which breathes life into the dummy.

During his first performance, Slappy speaks out on his own much to Ephraim’s surprise. He tells Ephraim that if he wants to make it big, he should trust the dummy.

Slappy the Dummy: Goosebumps character explained 1
Slappy and Ephraim become famous together

Audiences are enamored by the duo and Ephraim becomes quite famous, at the cost of his relationship with his family as his wife leaves him for spending too much time with the dummy.

Years later, their act is getting stale, but that doesn’t matter to Slappy, as he has convinced Ephraim to secure the coffin of a man named Kanduu and wants him to read another spell.

When Ephraim gets the vision of several deaths, he refuses to continue and stuffs Slappy back in his case. He moves to a new house and hides Slappy in the basement so that no one else will find him.

You’ve got a friend in me

After Harold and his family move into the house years later, Harold finds Slappy in the basement and immediately takes a liking to him. Much like his ancestor, Harold decides to use Slappy in a performance and when Slappy talks on his own, Harold is freaked out.

Harold was already a subject of bullying in his life and was generally a reserved and insecure person, and Slappy took advantage of that to convince Harold that the dummy was his only friend.

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Harold was more susceptible to Slappy’s manipulations

Nora sees Slappy talking to Harold and when Slappy reveals all of their secrets during a performance, Sarah tells them that it is the dummy that is making him do bad things.

They sneak into Harold’s house to get Slappy away from him, but they end up killing Harold by accident. They decide to hide Slappy inside Eliza’s family mine, although Nora went down there at one point and dug him out.

Also Read: Goosebumps season 1 episode 7 recap & review: Give Yourself Goosebumps

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