Lawyer Yos is a loan shark who lent Game the money for their startup. Paradorn Vesura plays the character.
Win, Game, and Dear needed money to get their startup off the ground and Game went to Lawyer Yos.
He secured a loan of 25 million Baht to be paid back with 200% interest 30 days after launch.
The day after they are hacked, the lawyer calls up Game to enquire whether he should be worried about his money.
They claim that they’re still on track and he reminds them that it is an extra 20% interest for any payment delays.
Preying on the weak
When the lawyer calls them up, Win suggests that he was the one behind the hack so that he could pressure them about the payment and raise his interest.
Game tells Dear that it might have been his plan all along to collect the interest rather than get his principal amount back.
Once business at the temple picks up, Game begins paying off their debt in installments and increasingly casual with the lawyer.
However, during one visit when their payment is a little short, the lawyer gets frustrated and threatens Game with a gun.
He insists that they keep paying the right amount or things won’t end well for them. Game gets frustrated and leaves the payments to Win and Dear.
After the sale of the amulet skyrockets, Win pays off the entire debt including the interest but does not engage with the Lawyer.
The lawyer leaves his card in Win’s pocket in case they’d like to do business once again.
When Win is arrested by the police, he hands over Lawyer Yos’s card so that he can be contacted.
By the time he arrives though, Win and Dear are already being taken away by the politician’s people.
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