Jackie Howard: My Life With the Walter Boys character explained

Jackie is the protagonist in My Life With the Walter Boys. Her life changes completely when she loses her family and has to move to Colorado. Nikki Rodriguez plays Jackie.

Jackie is the daughter of a fashion designer and lives in New York. In her freshman year, she loses her parents and older sister in a car crash. As per her parents’ will, her mother’s friend Katherine and her husband, George, become Jackie’s legal guardians.

Jackie leaves New York and moves to Colorado to live with Katherine, George, and the ten children they raise. Jackie struggles to get used to living in a house full of people who are strangers to her as well as to adjust to small-town life.

A new family

While Katherine and George try their best to make Jackie comfortable, she does not feel welcomed by all the Walter boys. They prank her and poke fun at her, which does not make the move easy for her.

On top of that, she overhears Katherine and George discussing their financial problems. Apart from their own children, they also have to provide for Jackie now, and Jackie starts feeling like she is a burden on them.

Jackie still trying to cope with the loss of her family, so she tries to avoid Thanksgiving, as she does not want to keep missing her family the whole day. To surprise Jackie and make the holiday better for her, Katherine and George invite Richard, Jackie’s uncle.

Richard’s presence certainly makes Thanksgiving better for Jackie. Additionally, he wants Jackie to live with him in New York and is even ready to go to court to get her custody. Jackie considers his offer.

My Life With the Walter Boys Jackie
Richard wants Jackie to live in New York with him

Katherine and George want her to have stability, which Richard cannot provide. When Katherine assures Jackie that she is not a burden on them, Jackie chooses to live with the Walters in Colorado. She eventually becomes a part of the family and finds happiness with them.

Complicated feelings

Jackie wants to get into Princeton after high school, as it is her father’s alma mater. She works hard to keep her grades up and participates in as many extracurricular activities as she can, even though her new school is not as fancy as her old school.

Jackie only wants to focus on school, but her plans change when both Cole and Alex develop feelings for her. More often than not, Cole is mean to her, whereas Alex is nice and dependable.

My Life With the Walter Boys Jackie
Jackie with Alex

Soon after, Jackie begins dating Alex, but she has doubts about her relationship because she finds out about Cole and Alex’s fight over Paige. Cole confessing his feelings for her only adds to her uncertainty.

At Will’s wedding, Alex tells Jackie that he loves her, but Jackie does not say it back. Later that day, when Jackie finds out that Cole glued together the broken teapot that meant so much to her, she kisses him.

Jackie’s life becomes increasingly complicated due to her conflicting feelings for Alex and Cole. Due to that, she moves to New York with Richard without saying goodbye to anyone. All she leaves behind is an apology note that offers no explanations. 

Also Read: My Life With the Walter Boys summary and ending explained

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