Hong Beom-Ja: Queen of Tears character explained

Hong Beom-Ja is the fierce and explosive aunt of protagonist Hong Hae-In in the romantic dramedy, Queen of Tears. Kim Jung-Nan plays the character explained.

The Queens family is filled with eccentric personalities who all carry their own pain, dreams, and motives. Amidst a sea of passive-aggressiveness and two-faced snakes, Hong Beom-Ja is a shining outlier.

Beom-Ja wears her heart on her sleeve and says what comes to her mind unabashedly and without fear, in any setting she chooses to.

She is a daughter of the Queens family’s patriarch so she fears consequences just as much as she has the knack of staying committed to a marriage, which is to say none at all.

Hong Beom-Ja has been divorced thrice and each of her exes has cheated on her.

Her luck is terrible when it comes to relationships, second only to her temper when/if she finds out that an ex of hers might still be in Korea after the divorce, in which circumstance she would visit them and try to inflict great harm.

Baek Hyun-Woo always helps her out of her judicial messes.

A Queens family outlier

Hong Beom-Ja is one of the few people in the Queens family who shows great care and concern for Hong Hae-In. Besides all that dramatic hullabaloo, she is kind at heart.

When she accidentally learns the truth about Hae-In’s brain tumor, she can’t help but be overwhelmed and blur her vision with pools of tears.

Hong Beom-Ja and Baek Hyun-Woo
Hong Beom-Ja with her nephew-in-law Baek Hyun-Woo

She tries her best to comfort Hae-In and hugs her warmly, which is very emotional for Hae-In as she is the first in her family to lend her a shoulder and treat her like family.

Hong Beom-Ja is also close to Hae-In’s husband, which is again an anomaly since she is the only one in the family by far, who is significantly considerate to him.

Her arch nemesis

Beom-Ja absolutely despises Moh Seul-hee, her father’s live-in girlfriend. Beom-Ja once assaulted her and it led to her getting jailed for a while.

Hong man-Dae likes and trusts Seul-Hee with utmost conviction and has had enough of Beom-Ja, whom he, despite his love for her, doesn’t indulge much anymore.

Hong Beom-Ja continues to be wary of Seul-Hee, who has recently begun retaliating and scaring Beom-Ja legitimately, prompting her to seek detective help against her father’s girlfriend.

Her apprehensions and hate regarding Seul-Hee aren’t entirely baseless or without reason either, as Seul-Hee is definitely up to something suspicious behind her supposedly selfless and saint-like persona.

Also Read: Hong Hae-In’s disease in Queen of Tears explained

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