“The Geriatric” candidate’s death in The Girls on the Bus explained

“The Geriatric” candidate was a frontrunner in the Democratic race until his age finally caught up to him in episode 3 of The Girls on the Bus.

“The Geriatric” candidate was a former secretary of state and a three-time presidential candidate who was leading the race in the Democratic primaries.

Despite his positive trajectory, his right hand approaches Grace to write a favorable piece about the candidate to boost his chances.

Meanwhile, Kimberlyn continuously drags him in the news for being too old to effectively serve as the president of a nation.

Pushing too hard

Grace has an interview with him where they connect over their shared history. He has seen Grace grow up because her father was a correspondent at the White House when he served as Secretary of State.

Grace notices his hand trembling often but before she can ask him about his health, he is ushered out of there for his next meeting.

Grace says that she wants a look at his medical records or she is reporting the tremors in her article.

She is promised something concrete before the day is out, and she gets a call later that day.

When she heads to the meeting place, she sees the candidate getting ready to take part in the Vegas 5k.

Hours later, it is announced that the candidate was taken to the hospital after falling unconscious during the race.

When Grace goes to the hospital to check in on him, she is informed that he passed away due to a serious blockage in one of his arteries.

His death throws the race wide open as Grace deals with the loss of someone she truly care about.

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