Counselor Dani: Reporting for Duty character explained

In Reporting for Duty, Counselor Dani is a defense attorney. She is a recurring character who shows up at the precinct whenever someone needs representation. Tenca Silva plays Dani.

Counselor Dani Junqueira first appears in the second episode of Reporting for Duty to meet the new chief, Suzano, and tell him that she can help if anyone at the precinct needs some representation.

Counselor Dani takes all kinds of cases, even if they are ridiculous. For example, she quickly chooses the side she wants to represent when the debate over the coffee machine is going on between Pardal and Zuleide.

Counselor Dani proves to be an exceptional attorney. She is intimidating, and even excellent cops such as Mantovani and Rabecão think twice when they are facing her.

Dani and Estevão’s love affair

Estevão is instantly attracted to Dani the moment she first walks into the 8th precinct. Dani notices his efforts too. Throughout the show’s run, he attempts to ask her out but fails miserably.

During the carnival, Counselor Dani kisses Estevão. However, they don’t officially start dating. Estevão keeps texting Dani, who won’t reply to his messages at all.

Counselor Dani: Reporting for Duty character explained 1
Estevão attempts to ask Dani out

After taking Suzano’s advice, Estevão sends Dani a video message, demanding what she wants. The video doesn’t come out perfect, but Suzano ends up sending it anyway.

When Suzano is arrested for conspiring with Serrote, Dani comes to represent him. Suzano notices the vibe Dani and Estevão have and assumes that the text that he sent didn’t go in Estevão’s favor.

Estevão breaks the news that it worked. Estevão and Dani are officially dating, even though they act professional and it feels like they aren’t.

Also Read: Reporting for Duty review: Nothing fresh about this formulaic sitcom

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