Does Melanie know Sugar is an alien?

In the finale of Sugar, while John Sugar is wrapping things up on Earth, ready to leave, he visits Melanie to share with her something that he won’t share with others.

Despite successfully bringing Olivia back home, Sugar doesn’t feel satisfied. He hears Ryan Pavich’s recordings to see what he is missing. Amidst all of this, Sugar says his goodbyes to everyone, including Melanie.

Melanie and Sugar started their friendship with Melanie flirting with him and allowing him to sleep with him. Sugar backed off.

Later in the series, after saving Melanie and her friend, Teresa, from Stallings, Sugar and Melanie begin working together to search for Olivia.

Melanie learns about Sugar’s secret

In the series, it is revealed that Sugar and all the members of his organization are aliens infiltrating Earth. They are here to observe and report.

After things start falling apart for them, they decide to go back home. Some of the humans now know that they are aliens. While they were being threatened with exposure, since Pavich’s death, they are being hunted down.

Sugar only agrees to leave the planet after solving Olivia’s case and bringing her home. Sugar visits Melanie to say goodbye. He gives her the custody of Wiley. Melanie welcomes him in for lemonade.

During their conversation, Sugar tells Melanie about his sister, Djen, and what happened to her.

Before saying goodbye, Sugar asks Melanie to hold his hands. Sugar’s eyes change color, and Melanie grows emotional. It is hinted that Sugar has told Melanie everything about him through the powers he has.

Does Melanie know Sugar is an alien? 1
Sugar shares with Melanie who he is

Sugar admits that he has shown a human being who he is even though he is not supposed to; it’s against the rules.

Now, apart from the humans hunting the aliens down, Melanie knows that Sugar is an alien.

Also Read: Olivia Siegel: Sugar character explained

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