Street Flow 2 review: A promising story with minor faults in execution

In Street Flow 2, the Traore brothers are trying to move on with their lives and introduce changes so that they do not fall into the same ruinous paths of the past. The film is streaming on Netflix.


It’s been two years and Demba Traore has gotten out of the drug business. He works in insulation, and while it isn’t entirely clean, he mostly remains out of trouble. Soulaymaan is finally an attorney but his initial time isn’t all that it was cut out to be.

Noumouke is still getting in trouble and involved in ghetto rivalries, much to Khadijah’s worry. Each of them is going down a path that makes them question whether it is the right one.

When tragedy strikes, they are forced to look long and hard at their decisions and choose to make a change for the better.


Kery James gets a lot of focus this time around as Demba, and he performs well as the reformed gangster. James adequately captures the inner turmoil his character goes through as he gets pulled into making some very difficult choices.

Bakary Diombera is also given much responsibility as the young one who is headed down the path of violence and must realize the danger ahead. His rebellious attitude is good, if not spectacular.

Jammeh Diangana’s character doesn’t get as much attention but Diangana still does well with what he’s given. There’s nothing too special about his effort, but it still deserves credit for certain moments.


The journeys that the three primary characters take are noble ones, and the start and finish of their narratives are well-intentioned. There is a level of reliability to each story and a degree of truth exists that marginalized communities will agree to.

Two sequences are well written in the film, the truly surprising death of Khadijah, and the final moments of the film, which build up the suspense sufficiently about the fate of Demba.


The uneven focus on the characters is disappointing, and even the ones who get more time to shine are occasionally let down by the writing. Noumouke’s arc could have been exceptional, but the body is slightly weak and the ending does fall a little flat for him.

Soulaymaan’s arc is even more disappointing, as he fights one case in court, and by the end, he’s arguing for human rights on television. The direction he was headed is obvious, but how he gets there is underwhelming.

For the second time, a tragic event involving Khadijah is what pushes the three brothers into action, and that feels like lazy work on the director’s part.


Street Flow 2 is an interesting film that could do with some sharpening of the edges and a little more depth in the middle. The bones of the film have potential and there are clear moments that signify a good narrative, but it is let down by the direction and some rushed storytelling.

Street Flow 2
Street Flow 2 review: A promising story with minor faults in execution 1

Director: Leïla Sy, Kery James

Date Created: 2023-09-27 12:30

Editor's Rating:

Also Read: Street Flow 2 summary and ending explained

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