Our Father: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Our Father is a documentary about a fertility doctor who inseminated unsuspecting patients with his own sperm.

Release date

Our Father is set to release on Netflix on May 11, 2022.  

Cast and creators

Directed by Lucie Jourdan


“Jacoba Ballard was an only child, conceived via donor sperm, who always dreamed of having a brother or sister. An at-home DNA test led her to the discovery of not one but seven half-siblings – a number that defied best practices in fertility medicine. As the group set out to learn more about their curious family tree, they soon discovered the sickening truth: Their parents’ fertility doctor had been inseminating his patients with his own sperm – without their knowledge or consent.

“As Ballard and her newfound siblings realized they’ve barely begun to untangle his dark web of deceit, their pursuit of justice lies at the heart of this profoundly unsettling story about an unimaginable breach of trust.”

Other details

The movie is based on a true story. Dr. Cline had started his fertility hospital in 1979 and had at least 50 children in the next decade. Indiana enacted a law on fertility after this case came to light. 


Jacoba Ballard takes a DNA test in hopes of finding her half-siblings but is taken aback by surprise when more than half a dozen people reach out to her. In the trailer, clips of his children run in the background as they express their confusion and anger towards Dr. Cline. They try to expose him and bring attention to this scandal.

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