Once Upon a Small Town: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Once Upon a Small Town is an upcoming Netflix K-drama series about a romance between a veterinarian from Seoul and a policewoman from the countryside.

Release date

Once Upon a Small Town will premiere on September 5, 2022, on Netflix.

Cast and creators

• Joy
• Choo Yeong-Woo
• Baek Sung-Chul
• Jung Suk-Yong
• Baek Ji-Won
• Park Ji-A
• Yoo Yeon
• Ha Yul-Ri

Created by Kwon Seok-Jang


“Against his wishes, a veterinarian from the big city relocates to the countryside, where he meets a policewoman, a town insider with a friendly secret.”

Other details

Once Upon a Small Town is adapted from Park Ha-min’s web novel of the same name. Red Velvet’s Joy is the series’ main lead. She is a well-known South Korean singer.


With the visuals giving a glimpse of Heedong Village’s lush surroundings, the clip follows youths and their love life. Ji-yool is seen longingly gazing at Ja-yeong from a distance while claiming to have someone on his mind.

Also Read: Seoul Vibe: Release date, cast, synopsis, teaser, trailer & more

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