Cook at all Costs: Release date, synopsis, trailer & more

Cook at all Costs is a reality show that follows three home cook contestants as they bid on the ingredients and compete for the hefty prize money.

Release date

Cook at all Costs is set to premiere on Netflix on December 16.

Cast and creators

Hosted by Jordan Andino

Executive produced by Eric Abboud, John Brunton, Erin Brock, and Chris Culvenor

Official synopsis

“An addictively fun cooking competition where skill meets strategy as three home cooks put their money where their mouths are to bid on ingredients in a high-stakes, auction-packed cook off.”

Other details

Chef Jordan Andino, a well-known face in New York City’s culinary world, hosts this show. He’s also known for hosting other cooking shows like “Late Nite Eats” and “Food Boats.”


In this cooking competition, three home cooks bid on ingredients with $25,000 in their bank accounts. They will have to decide whether to bid high for the main ingredients, save their money for the essentials, or gamble on a surprise.

The cook who impresses the celebrity guest chef wins all of the money left in their bank.

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