Succession and the art of cursing

Succession is a darkly comedic drama about the power struggles within a wealthy, dysfunctional family running a global media empire, as they vie for control following the patriarch’s declining health.

In the riveting world of Succession, the cutthroat drama about a powerful media family, language is not just a tool for communication; it’s a weapon.

The show’s liberal use of cursing stands out, not just for its frequency but for its nuanced role in character development and plot advancement. 

Succession masterfully uses profanity as a lens to explore power dynamics, emotional states, and the sheer complexity of human relationships within a corporate empire.

Cursing as a Power Play

In the boardrooms and opulent living rooms of Succession, cursing is not merely a vent for frustration; it’s a carefully wielded instrument of power.

The Waystar Royco empire, with its Machiavellian power struggles, uses language as a means of asserting dominance.

Characters like Logan Roy, the patriarch, wield curses not just in anger but as a deliberate display of control and intimidation.

The linguistic aggression in Succession is a mirror to the show’s central theme: the ruthless pursuit and maintenance of power.

Cursing as a Window to Emotional Depths

Beyond power dynamics, Succession uses cursing to peel back layers of its complex characters. Each swear word reveals something about the person uttering it – be it vulnerability, desperation, or sheer impulsiveness.

For instance, Roman Roy’s sarcastic and often inappropriate quips reflect his defense mechanism against deeper emotional engagement.

Roman Succession HBO Max
Image source: Macall B. Polay/HBO

Conversely, Shiv Roy’s calculated use of language, including her curses, reflects her attempt to navigate and conquer a male-dominated world.

In this light, cursing becomes a multi-dimensional tool, exposing the intricate web of emotions and motives that drive the characters.

Building Authenticity and Relatability

Succession’s liberal use of cursing also adds a layer of authenticity to the show. In the high-stress, high-stakes world of corporate moguls, the polished veneer often gives way to raw expression in private spaces.

The characters’ frequent cursing feels genuine, reflecting real-world corporate environments where power and stress often lead to colorful language.

This authenticity helps viewers connect with the characters, seeing in them a reflection of real human responses to pressure and ambition.

The Art of Creative Cursing

Another notable aspect of Succession is the creativity of its curses.

The show’s writers have a flair for crafting unique, sometimes darkly humorous expletives that capture the show’s tone.

This creative use of language not only adds a certain dark charm to the dialogue but also deepens the show’s satirical edge.

It’s a reminder that in the world of Succession, it is just as important as wealth.


In Succession, cursing is more than a mere shock factor; it is an integral part of the narrative fabric.

Through its strategic and creative use of profanity, the show offers a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the lives of the ultra-wealthy and power-hungry.

It’s a linguistic dance that adds depth, authenticity, and a visceral edge to one of television’s most compelling dramas.

By embracing the full spectrum of language, Succession doesn’t just tell a story about a powerful family; it immerses viewers in the very essence of their world – where every word, no matter how crude, counts.

Also Read: Is Logan Roy from Succession based on a real-life figure?

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