The Bear season 3 summary and ending explained

The Bear season 3 follows the opening months of the restaurant and how it affects the people involved. The series is streaming on Hulu.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary:

Carmen’s life is given a brief run-through, from his time in New York, and Copenhagen, to working at The Bear.

He worked under different mentors, all with different approaches, and every experience he had molded him into the chef he is today.

Back to the present, Carmen deals with the aftermath of the restaurant’s first day. He considers calling Claire while Sydney tells him to talk to Richie.

Marcus is at the hospital saying goodbye to his mother who passed while he was at work. The freezer door finally gets fixed so that no one gets locked in again.

Carmen sends a message to Richie, apologizing for what he said but he doesn’t dare to reach out to Claire.

Once the day is settled, he gets ready for the next day by figuring out the menu and writing down some non-negotiables for their restaurant.

One of his conditions is to have a new menu every day but no one else thinks it is a good idea. Despite his apology, Carmen and Richie aren’t on the same page.

Sydney is frustrated because she is stuck between them and because Carmen altered her dishes without running them by her.

He does tell her that the partnership agreement has been sent to her so she needs to give it a look through before signing it.

The restaurant goes through a month of service and it is a chaotic month as everyone gets used to the new menu every day.

Sydney decides to get a new apartment for herself but she has not looked at the partnership agreement yet.

Marcus sees a white violet in the open and is inspired to create a dessert in honor of his mother who loved violets.

Richie and Carmy still do not see eye to eye but they somehow manage to make things work. Richie is mulling over Tiff and Frank’s wedding invitation because of their situation.

He wonders whether he should step back from Eva’s life so that it isn’t overcomplicated but Natalie tells him that Eva would need him.

The Faks tell Carmy that he is still in love with Claire and needs to apologize to her but he cannot do it.

Things are a bit rough because of the changing menu and Carmy’s specific needs and Uncle Cicero brings in his friend, Nicholas “The Computer” Marshall, to break things down.

The Computer is a whizz with numbers and he goes through the expenditures to find out where they can bring down costs because the restaurant isn’t bringing enough.

Everyone’s nerves are on edge after they find out that a photographer from the Tribune wants to drop by for a photo session, signaling that they have already been reviewed.

There is a look into Tina’s life before she started working there. She was at a regular nine-to-five job for 15 years before getting unceremoniously laid off.

She spent weeks looking for a new job but didn’t get one until she walked into The Beef and started crying while eating a sandwich.

Mikey has a conversation with her about what’s been bothering them in their lives and then offers her a job as a line cook.

The restaurant community is hit with a bombshell announcement that ‘Ever’ is closing down.

Adam Shapiro of Ever reaches out to Sydney and says that he’s opening up his place and wants her to set up the kitchen and menu in her image.

She has this huge offer to consider but she still hasn’t gone through the partnership agreement.

Natalie goes out to get some paper towels for the restaurant and ends up going into labor. She tries calling everyone but their phones are shut off so she has no choice but to call her mother.

Donna shows up all excited to be with her daughter for her granddaughter’s birth and they spend the time talking about every time Donna gave birth.

They also discuss why Natalie didn’t tell Donna about the baby in the first place and make a breakthrough in their relationship.

The baby is born and Sydney drops off some food at their house that Pete picks up. He says that he looked at her contract and it is pretty solid so she can sign it.

She is still unsure about what she should do because working with Carmy is getting very stressful.

He doesn’t always listen to her feedback and is getting all of the credit for the restaurant even though she has put in equal effort.

Uncle Cicero tells Carmy that he’s pulling his funding if The Bear gets a bad review but the truth is that he’s broke and cannot support them anymore.

Carmy invites Sydney to the funeral service of Ever because it will be her last chance to eat at that place.

He strongly considers calling Claire but backs out. Neil and Ted head over to the hospital to tell Claire how Carmy feels and she thanks them for their sentiment.

Ending explained:

A star-studded farewell

For the final night of service, all the prominent chefs from the community are invited including ones that worked at Ever at one point.

Luca shows up and Richie is also invited because of the time he spent there. He goes to the back and asks if he can hang out there while it is all happening.

Chef Terry makes a speech welcoming everyone and saying a few words about her experience in the business.

Trading secrets

Everyone sits down for their meals and all of the chefs discuss what their experiences were while sending out their first meals and why they started cooking in the first place.

Carmy spots David Fields and cannot stop staring at him remembering all the times he was abused by him.

Luca and Sydney catch him staring and then watch him get up to confront David. David gets up to use the washroom and Carmy calls him back to speak his mind.

He tells David that his treatment made Carmy very unhealthy but David defends his treatment by claiming that it made Carmy a better chef.

David has no remorse about the way he behaved and Carmy is left shocked and in tears by this response.

Looking to the future

Carmy steps outside for a bit and Chef Terry catches him there. They share a few words and she imparts some wisdom to him about running a restaurant.

Adam asks Sydney if she has made a decision and she says she still needs some time to think.

Once the service is done, they all head back to Sydney’s place and have a party with Chef Terry thoroughly enjoying herself.

Everyone is having fun but Sydney has a rush of emotions and then goes outside to deal with a panic attack.

Carmy is out for a walk in the city when he takes out his phone and sees that there are multiple missed calls from Cicero and The Computer.

There is also a Google alert that the review for The Bear is out and Carmy cannot do anything after reading it by curse, although it is unsure if it is a positive or negative one.

Also Read: My Lady Jane summary and ending explained

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