Muniel: Sand Land: The Series character explained

Muniel is a little angel whose uncharacteristic mischief poses quite a lot of trouble for the protagonists in Sand Land: The Series.

Muniel is a small-sized angel with clipped wings and a magical staff. Most of the time he has a shoulder bag with him and he also sports a bob cut.

His powers include conjuring up lightning with his staff, but they are only as potent as the environment he finds himself in. If it’s somewhere arid as Sand Land, his powers are really weak, but in Forest Land, he’s powerful.

Past & Plans

Muniel was working menial tasks in a majestically colossal warehouse where he sorted and stored a menagerie of different items. He’s bored of the same laborious chores until he gets promoted to senior angel.

He ideates a way of the mundane and looks for an urn in a box. He heads off to Sand Land, announcing his arrival and plan to rid the lands of all its “filthiest creatures.”

Muniel Sand Land The Series 2024
Muniel descending to the Demon Village

He goes to Demon Village which he intended to wipe out all at once, and directly challenges Lucifer, the king of all demons.

The big boss of demons isn’t bothered in the slightest by this puny angel but when he damages his favorite TV set, Lucifer clips Muniel’s wings and flicks him off, all by just lifting two of his fingers.

Muniel the fake savior

He is thrown all the way to Forest Land, where he makes a crater from the impact of his fall. He meets Supreme Commander Bred and joins hands with him.

He then manipulates him to execute a coup d’état and depose King Jam from his throne, while also captivating his wife, Lilith, inside his urn, since she is a demon too.

He later proclaims himself as the Angel Hero of Forest Land, manipulating people into thinking he’s some divine savior while brainwashing them all to hate and fear demons.

In the present day, he intends on using Aquanium, in a plan he and Bred together seek to execute, so that they can take over Forest Land, and eventually the neighboring kingdoms as well.

Also Read: The plot of Sand Land: The Series explained

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