Marshall & Jackelina’s breakup in Love Is Blind explained

Marshall and Jackelina’s recent breakup in Love Is Blind season 4 episode 9 stunned all with the amount of aggravating emotions it inspired. Here’s all that led to the breakup.

Marshall and Jackelina’s relationship in Love Is Blind season 4 begins like a sweet rom-com “opposites attract” cliché, as she is loud and explosive, and he is reserved and a quieter romantic.

However, after overcoming a love triangle at the dating pods stage, they put rings on each other’s fingers and start their relationship, which shortly devolves into a dynamic replete with conflicts and problems, ultimately bringing back the love triangle and ending things on a heartbreaking breakup.

The conflicts

Jackelina and Marshall’s relationship becomes rife with issues as soon as it begins. Right after their engagement, they have to stay together in what’s supposed to be a romantic time.

However, Jackelina struggles to put forward a reciprocal display of love and affection as Marshall because of several anxieties related to her family.

It soon becomes evident that she has a problem with a long-term commitment since it’s really an anomaly in her love life thus far.

Marshall & Jackelina Love Is Blind season 4
Image source: Netflix

Couple that with the fact that Marshall is so stable and caring, something she admits herself, comes as quite a whiplash for her.

Marshall does his best to console her and ease her while she keeps having issues with anxieties and erratic mood swings.

The breakup

It becomes worse as it goes along, and their relationship is marred by a flurry of issues that all seem to be emanating out of Jackelina’s inability to love Marshall and accept his love.

The biggest moment of strife comes when she asks Marshall to man up and be more aggressive in the relationship. Marshall can’t be that man since it’s a betrayal to who he is and he doesn’t deem aggression to be an appropriate signifier of manhood.

As a result, he storms off for three days and when he comes back, he has another argument with Jackie. Their back and forth ends vaguely as all things hang in balance. When it comes to the wedding dress fitting, Marshall shows up but Jackie doesn’t.

In Love Is Blind season 4 episode 10, Jackie goes to meet Josh, and they hit it off romantically, beginning their relationship while she’s still engaged to Marshall. When he learns about it, he confronts her, and Jackelina makes it clear that she can’t move forward with their relationship.

Refusing to even return the ring, Jackelina ends things with Marshall in a manner most bitter and heartbreaking, as both pack their bags and leave the show.

Also Read: Love Is Blind season 4 episodes 9, 10 & 11 recaps & review

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