Lawrence Collier: Death and Other Details character explained

In Death and Other Details, Lawrence Collier runs Collier Mills, a company that has gone bankrupt. David Marshall Grant plays Lawrence.

Lawrence Collier raised Imogene, along with his own kids, when Imogene’s mother, Kira, who used to work for him, died in a car bombing.

To ensure Imogene’s well-being and health, Lawrence hired the detective Imogene wanted, Rufus Cotesworth, to solve the case of Kira’s death.

However, Lawrence didn’t agree with Rufus’ attempt to pressure Imogene into opening up her blocked memories. He instead made Rufus walk out of the case.

Years later, Rufus returns to reopen the case when Lawrence Collier organizes a party on a cruise to celebrate his retirement and hand over the keys to the company to his daughter, Anna.

Colliers’ secrets

Rufus and Imogene access Colliers’ books to find out the connection Lawrence may have to Viktor Sams, the person who possibly killed Kira.

Though they don’t find anything on Viktor Sams, they come across a receipt that suggests the Colliers were using banned chemicals in one of their factories in China, which may have cost people their lives.

During a discussion between Lawrence and Anna, the latter reveals that this was Lawrence’s mess that she had to clean up. The company went bankrupt in doing so, and now they are relying on the Chuns to keep the company alive.

Lawrence Collier: Death and Other Details character explained 1
Lawrence closes a deal with the Chuns

Lawrence does permit Anna to move forward with the Chuns, but he easily accepts the deal offered by the Chuns, which says the Chuns will own 51% of Collier Mills—a decision that doesn’t fit right with anyone from the Collier entourage.

Lawrence’s sickness

Later in the series, it is revealed that Kira knew about Lawrence’s secret, and she tried to stop Lawrence years ago.

Imogene becomes sure that Lawrence killed her mother to shut her up. Imogene confronts Lawrence, who recognizes Imogene as Kira.

Anna then reveals that Lawrence is suffering from something similar to on-set dementia, which explains why Lawrence didn’t announce Anna as the CEO. Lawrence wasn’t in his senses when he gave the Chuns 51% of their company either.

Even though Anna claims that Lawrence isn’t capable of murder, Imogene proves that Lawrence did kill her mother by continuing to pretend that she is Kira, which results in Lawrence confessing.

Lawrence admits that he made a phone call and got Kira killed. Now, even though Lawrence has admitted his crime, he won’t even suffer in jail, considering his condition.

Also Read: Kira Scott: Death and Other Details character explained

Rahul Shinde
Rahul Shinde
Rahul is an editor on The Envoy Web who is working from Mumbai. You will find him obsessing over the genres of horror, thriller, sitcoms, and musicals—a weird combination right there. It's either something spooky or a comfort watch.

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