Kang Gun-Woo’s death in Wonderful World explained

Kang Gun-Woo was five when he died in a car accident by a man with political connections which helped him get an unfairly reduced sentence, leading to his mother’s revenge and imprisonment. The latest episode of Wonderful World reveals the full truth of his death.

Kang Gun-Woo, an innocent young boy who loved and adored his parents, chased after his dog one day and ended up getting run over by someone’s car.

That someone turned out to be a man named Gwon Ji-Woong, who because of his political ties to assemblyman Kim Joon, got an unexpectedly short sentence, which was also suspended for years. 

When she sees that the killer of her son doesn’t have any remorse for his actions whatsoever, a nonchalant demeanor accompanies her actions of vengeance shortly, as she runs over Ji-Woong, killing him effectively. 

She goes to prison for seven years because of it. When she gets out, she’s hunted by the son of Ji-Woong, who seeks revenge on her and intends to destroy her family and life. 

Seon-Yul’s mother

Meanwhile, his mother, who went into a coma after a road accident, passes away. She leaves her phone to her son Seon-Yul and also her last words talk about a tablet. 

What he hears in the call recordings on her phone is the reality of his father’s cold-hearted response to Eun Soo-Hyun’s begging and breakdown, pleading with him to apologize to her son properly.

He has already stopped his revenge quest against her but now the two work together to solve his mother’s death and how she got into that accident in the first place. 

They learn that it was not an accident but a deliberate murder attempt, sponsored by Kim Joon. The reason he ordered that was because Kim Eun-Min stumbled upon the evidence that incriminated him.

The tablet

This evidence was stored in the tablet she talked about moments before she died. The location of this tablet she had saved inside a memory card, which she inserted in the necklace that later her son always kept with him.

Seon-Yul necklace Soo-Hyun Wonderful World
Seon-Yul and Soo-Hyun watching the contents of his mom’s necklace

Seon-Yul and Soo-Hyun opened that necklace and together they saw the pawn shop where Eun-Min had pawned the tablet that once belonged to Kang Gun-Woo. 

Soo-Hyun retrieves that tablet and after achingly browsing through its contents, she stumbles upon a video that the tablet had recorded during his accident. 

She plays the video and hears Kim Joon’s voice. Shocked and aghast, she learns that Kim Joon was the man who hit her son that day, not Ji-Woong.

The chilling truth

It was Kim Joon who had initially run over poor Gun-Woo that day. He instantly called his trusted Ji-Woong and told him about what he’d done. 

When Ji-Woong asked what he thinks of doing, the psychopathic politician says he can’t risk his journey to the Blue House because of a small kid, who he calls a “small bug.”

He decides to get rid of Gun-Woo instead of taking him to a hospital and bearing responsibility for what he did, because that’d, justifiably, ruin his career. 

Ji-Woong understands the circumstances and helps Kim Joon. He assures him that the problem will be taken care of by him, as he volunteers to become the perpetrator here. 

Kim Joon bails and asks Ji-Woong to clean it all up and leave no evidence. Ji-Woong asks Kim Joon to help save his son in return for his help.

Ji-Woong takes an aching and crying Gun-Woo and ensures that he’s dead by running him over with the car again. 

Gun-Woo dies as a result and hearing this state of grim and tragic affair leaves a broken Soo-Hyun speechless and stunned. Gwon Seon-Yul also overhears it and is similarly shocked at what his father did. 

Also Read: Eun Soo-Hyun: Wonderful World character explained

Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh Chauhan
Rishabh is an editor at The Envoy Web, and when not writing about films and shows, he's busy attending to a perpetually growing and an all-genre-encompassing binge list.

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