Hot Neighbor: Mr. & Mrs. Smith character explained

The Hot Neighbor lives next to John and Jane and takes a special interest in them. Paul Dano plays the character.

When Jane returns with breakfast one morning, she meets their next-door neighbor who confronts her about her cat.

He asks if she has one because a cat has been defecating in his yard and ruining his plants. He adds that his dog has been eating the cat poop which hasn’t been yielding good results.

Jane claims that she doesn’t have a cat and the two have a brief conversation before she goes inside.

He asks her about her occupation as well as her partners’, and comments on how beautiful their house is.

He also mentions that his dog is named ‘Poet’ after one of the characters from the book titled ‘The Prophet’. Jane tells John that it is one of her favorite books.

When Jane goes inside, she sees John watching them through the window. She calls the neighbor hot and suggests that he might be watching them.

A dedicated professional

From the beginning, John exhibits a hint of jealousy toward Hot Neighbor but he doesn’t overdo it.

He watches Jane share a few words with him and Poet during their day off and there is some envy there.

When John and Jane get into an argument regarding his supposed affair with Bev, John brings up Hot Neighbor and Jane’s connection to him.

When Jane locks him out of the house, he tries to get in through the neighbor’s house and does a bit of snooping too.

Hot Neighbor says that he’s been inside John’s house a few times, once when he borrowed a book from Jane.

John sneaks around and finds surveillance photos and a detailed floor plan of their house. The neighbor shows up and John pins him to the wall while pointing a gun to his head.

Hot Neighbor says that he’s not some kind of secret agent but a real estate developer. He believes that their house is spectacular and also a unique property.

Hot Neighbor: Mr. & Mrs. Smith character explained 1
Hot Neighbor’s real name is Harris Materbach

He considers it his “white whale” and questions how two software engineers could afford such a high-end space.

He also confirms that he wasn’t flirting with Jane because he was interested in her. Rather he was interested in their house and wanted to know if they were willing to sell.

John realizes that he’s harmless and leaves him alone. When Hot Neighbor returns the book the next morning, he finds the place empty and shot up.

His first instinct is to call up his colleague and celebrate the fact that listing might be going on the market.

Also Read: Margaret: Expats character explained

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