Prince Harry’s struggles in The Crown season 6 part 2 explained

In The Crown season 6 part 2, while William grabs the spotlight, Prince Harry deals with his own battles and struggles as number two.

In the second part of the sixth season, unlike William, Prince Harry is more comfortable in the crowd, funny, and quick with his responses.

Behind this smiling face, there is a harsh reality. It is revealed that Harry is the opposite of everything William is, and he doesn’t really enjoy being the second heir to the throne.

The lost cause

During a conversation with William, Harry mentions that he is the troublemaker in the family. While William is the perfect child, he jokes that his purpose in life is to cause trouble and make William look good.

It turns out that newspapers often describe Harry as the lost cause, who has been struggling since the death of his mother.

Harry is known for his mischievousness and antics. Charles had found out about his weed and planned to send him to the treatment center.

Prince Harry's struggles in The Crown season 6 part 2 explained 1
Harry mentions how the press describes him as the lost cause

Later, at a birthday party, Harry’s choice of wearing a costume with a swastika on it is condemned by the press; they call him a Nazi.

The worst part is that the photo gets published in the newspapers just two weeks before Holocaust Memorial Day.

Harry’s reputation has deteriorated so much that now people expect Harry to cause trouble, whereas they love William.

Harry and William’s relationship

The second part of The Crown season 6 shows that Harry and William were close in their teenage years and had each other’s backs.

However, seeds for a potential rivalry are sown as Harry is seen as jealous of William, who gains popularity.

Harry doesn’t like when William is interviewed for an inquiry into their mother’s death, and he is not.

Harry thinks that he is going through everything that his mother went through; he gets picked on and slagged off in the press. Hence, he should be interviewed.

William tells him never to compare himself with their mother. By the end of the sixth season, Harry continues to be the child who can’t be relied upon.

Even when it comes to the marriage of Charles and Camilla, Queen Elizabeth only listens to William’s opinion on it.

Prince Harry's struggles in The Crown season 6 part 2 explained 2
Harry tells William the story of William II

In a conversation, Harry tells William about the rivalry of two princes from the past, who were also named William and Harry.

He mentions how that Prince Harry got William II killed for the throne. Even though Harry says that he won’t do anything like that to William, the mere mention of the event hints at Harry’s growing hatred.

In the end, after her speech at Charles and Camilla’s wedding, the Queen asks William to be kind to Harry.

She says that, in many ways, being a second is harder than being the first because the system protects the number one, whereas the number two tends to need extra care and protection.

Also Read: The Crown season 6 part 2 review: A heartfelt farewell with a scattered narrative

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