Carmen Vasquez’s case in Sugar explained

In Sugar, Carmen Vasquez’s case is connected to that of Olivia Siegel’s disappearance.

While investigating the disappearance of Olivia Siegel, John Sugar finds out that, a week before she disappeared, Olivia made repeat trips to a location where a woman named Carmen Vasquez used to live.

It’s a matter of concern for Sugar because Carmen Vasquez was recently raped and murdered. It turns out that Olivia’s car was at the location the night Carmen was killed.

Sugar suspects that Olivia’s disappearance has to do with the man who killed Carmen.

The body in the trunk

During the final moments of the first episode, Sugar comes across a person’s body in the trunk of Olivia’s car. The body is that of the man who killed Carmen.

The person’s name is Clifford Carter, who has been arrested in the past for assault, rape, and human trafficking.

Carmen Vasquez's case in Sugar explained 1
Clifford’s body is discovered in Olivia’s trunk

Sugar is obligated to report to the police, but he will pretend that he never opened the trunk of the car for Jonathan Siegel. Anyhow, Olivia is still in danger right now.

The Melanie Matthews connection

At the end of the second episode, Teresa, Carmen’s sister, is visited by the boss of Clifford Carter and his goons.

Clifford’s boss is looking for him, and all he knows is that he was having an affair with Carmen.

Clifford is his main man, and he knows things about him and his clients that he doesn’t want anybody else to know. Everything is on Clifford’s phone.

His boss hasn’t heard from Clifford for two weeks. Last time, Clifford sent them a picture of Carmen. Following that, he sent a picture of Melanie Matthews, who seems to be a friend of Teresa.

Since Teresa knows her, Clifford’s boss is now after Melanie, who used to be Olivia’s stepmother.

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