Escape from Mogadishu: Release date, cast, synopsis, trailer & more

Prime Video’s ‘Escape from Mogadishu’ is a Korean action film that narrates the story of a civil war that rages on in full swing in Mogadishu, Somalia. It focuses on rival diplomats from North and South Korea who get trapped in the conflict.

Release Date

The film is now available to stream on Prime Video


“Dramatically constructed based on a true story: as civil war rages in Mogadishu, rival North and South Korean diplomats are left trapped. With no aid from either government, their only shot at survival may require uniting with bitter adversaries to escape.”

Cast and crew

  • Kim Yoon-seok 
  • Jo In-sung
  • Heo Joon-ho
  • Koo Kyo-hwan
  • Kim So-jin
  • Jung Man-sik 
  • Kim Jae-hwa 
  • Park Kyung-hye

Directed by Ryoo Seung-wan

Other details

The film is based on real events and is set during the progression of the Somali Civil War. It chronicles the efforts of both Koreas’ efforts to become a part of the UN in the late 1980s and early 1990s.


Aptly displaying the chaos unfolding, the trailer footage shows the revolt in full swing as the ones left behind try to escape Somalia alive.

Also Read: Ms. Marvel: Release date, cast and trailer

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