Valeria season 3 summary and ending explained

Netflix’s Valeria premiers its third and final season with the titular character struggling with the new type of agreement with her flame; Lola struggles with the age gap between her and a much younger fling; Nerea contends with finding a long-term partner; Carmen and Borja go through the wringer preparing for their marriage.

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Plot summary

Val’s new agreement with Víctor meets a pothole that sours things between them. Carmen’s wedding plans are a mess and so is her bachelorette trip, which changes destination from Amsterdam to Asturias.

Nerea jumps back into the dating scene, to no success. Valeria gives a speech at a university, where she meets a charming fellow writer Bruno Aguilar. Lola is surprised and rather perturbed by a young fling, who turns out to be more than just a fling.

Victor and Val finally part ways, although a lot still remains inside each other, for each other. Carmen gets promoted but fears it’ll all throw everything off balance even further. Later, the girls all sit down and take trips down the memory lanes, harkening back to their adolescence and first heartbreaks.

A sensual story that Bruno emails Valeria really gets her going, and she’s even more conflicted since she still can’t get Víctor out of her mind. Lola opens up to Rai about her past relationship issues and the two get close again. Meanwhile, Nerea finds her perfect match.

A group guno appointment reveals everyone’s secrets and Carmen’s big one that she’s been scared about. Val later visits Bruno in Asturias and bonds with him and his daughter Aitana too. However, when he delivers the phrase she has a hard time saying it back. Lola throws a party for her thirtieth birthday party.

Bruno gives Val some time to decide and be sure of who she wants to be with, while Lola struggles to remain with Rai, and Nerea has to come to terms with her heart that flutters for someone other than her date, who dumps her.

Carmen’s wedding arrives and Lola makes up with Rai, confessing her love, while Nerea confesses to Georgina. Valeria decides the one she wants to be with as Carmen and Borja enjoy their blissful union.

Valeria season 3 ending explained in detail:

Do Lola and Rai get together?

Lola and Rai do end up together by the end of Valeria season 3. Their relationship starts with Rai hitting her up and Lola dismissing him based on just a glance because even though he’s quite a looker, he’s just too young for her.

However, Rai has a persistence that throws her off a bit. Later when she does accept his advances and calls him to her crib, he doesn’t want to jump straight into sex, which is what she wishes to do since that’s what she’s expecting from this affair.

However, gradually the two begin a relationship that’s very wholesome and isn’t just based on sex and a transient period of intimacy followed by goodbyes forever. No, it’s a proper thing that they’ve got going on but Lola continues to hesitate and grow cold feet about it.

When she learns that he’s not 25 years old but only twenty, she promptly asks him to leave. Later, she apologizes for how she behaved and confides in him the issues she’s had in her relationships thus far. They hit it off again until she grows cold feet again when the age gap starts to bother her.

She cuts off communications rather abruptly and ghosts Rai, which upsets him greatly. However, she finally comes to terms with her feelings and apologizes, before confessing her love for Rai, and the two begin a proper relationship that’s off to a great, adorable start.

Who does Nerea end up with?

Nerea begins the season by having a hard time finding someone she can have a long-term relationship with. She keeps looking at couples and their children and the quality time they all seem to be spending, which all makes her yearn for the same life for her even more.

However, finding people looking for long-term relationships is rather difficult. Nerea signs up for an app and does go on a date, only to scare the girl away with her incredibly forward and premature questions about significant life decisions.

Meanwhile, her dynamic with the new photographer named Georgina starts off with a bitter, confrontational foot. They’re polar opposites when it comes to personality and approach to life and Nerea often becomes irate at Georgina’s laid-back attitude.

However, opposites attract and they attract a bit too intimately and passionately many times, and each time Nerea claims to be the last one they hook up with, only for it to be really untrue.

At Lola’s 30th birthday party, Nerea ends up leaving Nuria all alone while flocking off to Georgina every two seconds, excusing herself for work-related reasons. Nuria picks up that she has a thing for Georgina as she ends things with Nerea.

Nerea later reveals to Georgina that she broke up with Nuria over her. Georgina tells her that she won’t be able to provide her with what she’s seeking, i.e., organizing family dinners or getting her a gold necklace. She says she’s not the girl she’s looking for her. Nerea tells her that she knows what she’s looking for but not what she wants.

Nerea tells Georgina that she likes her and wants her. The two kiss and begin their new relationship where things are passionate and a whole lot adorable.

Who does Valeria choose?

Valeria’s no-strings-attached agreement with Víctor doesn’t go well and when she finds another girl’s bra on her sofa, she becomes really upset and it breaks her heart, even though the agreement entails that they practice no-strings-attached.

He tells her that he didn’t in fact, sleep with that woman but Valeria is just not interested in believing, and even if she does, this agreement just doesn’t work for her. She puts things with him on the back burner while she stumbles upon fellow author Bruno Aguilar.

He has his charms that she finds really appealing. When she gets Víctor to finally put into words that their relationship isn’t working out and they should stop seeing each other, Val tries to move on from him, which is pretty difficult initially. Meanwhile, the same is true for Víctor too, who relies on constant hookups, only for Val to continue residing inside his mind.

Bruno, meanwhile, turns out to hit all the right buttons for Val, who is attracted to his words, his voice, his charms, and just about everything else too, besides the explicit verbiage he spouts whenever he arrives during sex. She even bonds with his daughter and finds stability in this new relationship she has with him.

They also have great sexual chemistry and when she stumbles upon Víctor at Lola’s birthday party, Bruno gives her time to be sure that she wants to be with him. As he goes to the hotel, Valeria sleeps with Víctor again. However, when they wake up, he gloats about how they both like each other and don’t like commitment.

Val is upset that he’s learned nothing and asks him to leave. He apologizes to her later on and asks her to call him if she wants to take him as a date to Carmen’s wedding. Valeria eventually decides who she wants to take as a date and who she wants to stay with, and it’s Bruno, her relationship to whom she believes is healing.

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