The red pills in Red Queen (2024) explained

Antonia occasionally takes red pills during the case and she considers it collateral damage when asked about it.

When Antonia arrives at Laura Trueba’s house, she remains in the car while Jon talks to Mentor about the situation.

She has a panic attack as she hallucinates aggressive monkeys screeching at her until Mentor rushes over and pops a red pill in her mouth.

When Jon is assigned to be her squire, Mentor gives him a small case of red pills and tells him that she need it from time to time.

While chasing Ezequiel, Antonia has one of her attacks and asks for the pill. Jon gives it to her and she asks him to count to 10 so that she can regain her mental stability.

He doesn’t probe into it too much but she describes it as collateral damage.

Later on, she explains that when she gets too stressed, her brain chemistry experiences an imbalance and the pills are there to calm her down.

Nothing in the world is free

Antonia gets selected for the Red Queen project after exhibiting her exceptional IQ and is subjected to rigorous testing.

Mentor pushes her further but isn’t pleased with the results. He speaks to the doctor who developed a drug that expands her mental capacity.

The drug doesn’t seem to be working completely with Antonia and the doctor says that there are significant risks involved to improve her efficiency.

Mentor tells Antonia that to reach her peak, she must truly want it. When she agrees with him, he injects her with the drug.

Antonia appears to have reached her peak performance levels, but that is when she experiences her first panic attack.

The test is immediately stopped and she has to take the pills ever since.

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