That ’90s Show part 2 summary and ending explained

In part 2 of That ’90s Show, Leia returns to Point Place and has to face the consequences of her actions in spring break. The series is streaming on Netflix.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary:

Leia and Donna are back in Point Place for the summer but Leia has been worrying about the fact that she almost kissed Nate.

She doesn’t want to hurt Nikki or Jay but she cannot deal with the guilt of this secret. Nate is also worried about screwing things up with his best friend and his girlfriend

Kitty is excited because the house across the street is up for sale and she tries to convince Donna to move in so that she can be closer to her son.

Donna says that they are happy in Chicago but when she sees Red knee-deep in his new model train hobby she gets an idea.

Leia and Nate agree to tell their partners about what happened but Nate ends up leaving a message on Nikki’s answering machine.

He distracts Jay and Nikki while Leia tries to erase the message at Nikki’s house. She comes back home and exclaims that no one will find out.

Unfortunately, Ozzie was on the phone with the local radio station and everyone in town heard her, including Nate, Jay, and Nikki.

Donna convinces Bob to check out the house from across the street and Red isn’t thrilled at possibly being neighbors with Bob again.

Jay is too angry to reconcile with Leia but she tries her best to win him over. They make up and start on a clean slate, but it doesn’t turn out so well for Nate and Nikki.

Nate says that things have been rocky between them for a while so it makes sense if they broke up with each other.

Bob catches Jay kissing Leia and agrees with Red that he needs to be around as an extra set of eyes on the boy, confirming his purchase of the house nearby.

Leia discovers that Gwen has been seeing a guy named Cole from their school and is very excited. Gwen doesn’t share that excitement because she has never been in a real relationship.

Ozzie tells Kitty that Nate and Nikki are in a rut just like she and Red are in. Kitty begins to worry that her marriage isn’t as exciting as it used to be.

Red tries to improve her mood and they realize that they are happy with the way things are, although Kitty is not immune to the odd doubts.

Nate and Nikki come to terms with their breakup in different ways but eventually, they make peace and decide to stay friends.

Ozzie is excited to finally meet Ettienne but he doesn’t show up and Ozzie gets dumped via payphone.

To overcome his disappointment, he invites everyone to a field party where Nate and Nikki hook up.

Jay meets all the girls he said he loved just to get what he wanted in the past and Leia is mad at him once again.

The girls head to the mall to do some shopping and Gwen is the victim of racial bias, something she hadn’t experienced often in her life.

Jay wants to prove to Leia that he’s changed and reaches out to all the women he has hurt and apologizes to them.

Nate and Nikki’s casual hook-ups take a turn when Nikki has a pregnancy scare. That fizzles out all of the sexual tension and they go back to being friends.

Leia tells Jay that she is ready to go all the way in their relationship and Red overhears this. It sends him to the hospital with heart palpitations and he develops a new perspective.

Ending explained:

Leaving nothing on the table

Red tells Leia to keep his hospital visit a secret but she breaks as soon they get back home. She is about to chew into Red until he surprises her with tickets to Paris.

He says that he realized how short life can be and he wants to make sure they do everything they have always wanted to.

Kitty is excited to finally go to Paris and Bob is kept in charge for the two weeks that they are supposed to be gone.

Red and Kitty arrive at the airport but Red says that he cannot go because he has a fear of flying.

Kitty threatens to stop cooking for him for the rest of his life so Red sucks it up and gets on the plane.

The right conditions

Bob decides to stick around Leia and her friends like a hawk, which doesn’t give them much of an opportunity to have fun.

Ozzie says that he has a way of getting rid of Bob and reveals that he’s been catfishing Bob online. He sets up a meeting and Bob rushes out as soon as he says the message.

News gets out that Leia has the house to herself and kids immediately start showing up as a party just emerges.

Nikki has decided to try new things impulsively because she has always had everything planned out.

Leia asks Jay and Nate to keep people out of the house but they don’t do a great job.

Serious trouble

Cole tells Gwen that he’s headed to college a little early and instead of talking things out, she ends things.

She later realizes that she should give him a chance and see where the whole thing goes. Nikki goes around doing dares and someone dares her to sing in front of everyone.

She gets up to the microphone and Nate falls in love with her after watching her sing so beautifully.

Leo shows up at the house and thinks that it’s his retirement party. He says that he’s invited his son as well.

Leia and the others finally manage to clear the house but then Leo’s son, Sonny, and his friend crash into the house with their car.

Bob walks in at that moment too and everyone is shocked because there is a car inside their house.

Also Read: My Lady Jane summary and ending explained

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