Season 3 of Who Killed Sara? revolves around Alex finding out that his sister might still be alive which leads him to investigate her mental illness and the treatment that she received for it. The new episodes are now available on Netflix.
Alex and Elisa come across information that convinces them that Sara’s death was faked and that she also gave birth to the child that she was pregnant with.
Rodolfo aids them in their quest while they also receive some unlikely support from Cesar Lazcano who seems to be looking for redemption.
Chema has a torrid time in prison and when he comes out, he reevaluates his life and all the mistakes that he has made. He has a difficult time dealing with the trauma of his experiences.
Dr Reinaldo believes that Schizophrenia and homosexuality are disorders that can be cured and he carried out experiments on Sara Guzman to support his outlandish theories. He does everything in his power to stay in control and perform horrid treatments for patients.
Alex has to dig deep and follow multiple winding paths before arriving at the truth about the fate of his sister and finally attaining closure.
Manolo Cardona continues to lead the line in this series with a tame performance and few hints of intensity.
The entire cast can be accused of the same, with each member doing an average job with what they have been given.
Eugenio Siller can be credited with showcasing the most range throughout the show despite what he was given to work with.
Jean Reno offers up a star turn worthy of his name but it fails to elevate the rest of the series.
The director succeeds in highlighting the emotional heft during many sequences which can be considered the only saving grace in this series.
There is no clear structure to the storytelling. The timeline is hard to follow and the transitions between the past and the present can only be differentiated by the colour of the characters’ hair on most occasions.
The season rushes through, fast-tracking so many different stories in a bid to get to the end as they possibly can without setting things up convincingly.
Cesar’s redemption arc, because he has cancer, is an uninspired choice that does not evoke true sympathy after all that he’s done. Marifer and Mariana’s conclusions were disappointing and confusing as well.
The handling of Chema’s trauma is questionable at the very least and the entire idea of Dr Reinaldo’s practice felt complicated and ridiculous at the same time.
Season 3 of Who Killed Sara? can be considered as one season too many as the story was dragged forward to a completely insipid end with a highly perplexing journey. The art of storytelling did not get a good showing in this series and might be better off ignored.
Rating: 1.5/5
Also Read: Who Killed Sara? season 3 summary and ending explained