Happily Ever After Episode 4 review: A dwindling narrative

*Spoilers Ahead*

Here’s the episode if you haven’t watched it yet:

Happily Ever After’s latest episode started out with Roneet (Naveen Kasturia) and Avni (Harshita Gaur) facing uncertainty in the past and wedding troubles in the present.

What started out as a light and sweet watch is slowly losing direction. The first few minutes of this episode add absolutely no value to the narrative. Quite a peculiar idea for the so-called ‘agni pariksha’.

The extended role of Roneet’s best friend Manny is cringey at so many points, you wonder why they needed to give him so many dialogues all of a sudden, when the lead pair was handling it just fine. He does get a couple of good one-liners, but that’s where it ends.

There are also forceful attempts to bring out laughter at a few instances. There’s absolutely nothing funny about wanting a threesome with a foreign couple, for example.

The advertisements are also getting a bit overwhelming. Stretched conversations about debit cards and loans aren’t going to help an already thin storyline.

That said, credit goes to the self-aware dialogues. Wondering if TVF would pick up their story as a web series was hilarious, and hand down the highlight of the episode.

Kasturia and Gaur are the main reason viewers will continue to watch. They’re both still completely convincing as their character, even amongst the chaos.

The whole ‘lack of money’ situation has been repeated so many times that you’re just waiting for the couple to run into financial trouble again.

This episode feels more like a ‘filler’ than anything. Which is surprising considering web series don’t really consist of too many episodes to begin with.

The writing needs to improve significantly to change the trajectory of this downward curve. The pressure is on for the next episode of Happily Ever After.

Also Read:

Catch our reviews for the other Happily Ever After episodes if you missed them:

Happily Ever After episode 1 review: Signs of a light and humorous web series

Happily Ever After episode 2 review: Complications arise

Happily Ever After episode 3 review: Trouble in paradise

Happily Ever After episode 5 review: Too many intrusions

Happily Ever After episode 6 review: A new start

Happily Ever After episode 7 review: What happens now?

Happily Ever After episode 8 review: All’s well that ends well

Anweshak Tejendra
Anweshak Tejendrahttps://theenvoyweb.com/
Anweshak, editor-in-chief and co-creator of The Envoy Web, has been writing in the entertainment niche for years. A passionate film and television enthusiast, he has immersed himself in the world of pop culture throughout his career. He holds a master’s degree in multimedia journalism from London’s University of Westminster..

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*Spoilers Ahead* Here’s the episode if you haven’t watched it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg64terhK6I&feature=youtu.be Happily Ever After’s latest episode started out with Roneet (Naveen Kasturia) and Avni (Harshita Gaur) facing uncertainty in the past and wedding troubles in the present. What started out as a light and sweet watch is...Happily Ever After Episode 4 review: A dwindling narrative