Black Butterflies is a thriller drama that focuses on the story of Albert Desiderio and how its strings connect to a fellow ghostwriter who is kept in the dark about the truth. The series is now streaming on Netflix.
Adrien Wrinkler, a ghostwriter decides to work on the story of Albert Desiderio and his young love interest Salonge. The plot reveals the endless murders committed by the couple at different locations in France.
As Adrien tries to wrap his head around Albert’s tale and pen it down, he comes across certain loopholes that guide him toward the ultimate truth. He ends up running into a spiral of madness when he discovers his personal and professional life colliding with one another.
Truths about Adrien and Albert and Salonge’s primary relationship keep the series moving. Police investigations into Albert’s past deeds as well as the ultimate death of police personnel who was remotely related to Albert make up for the subplots of the series.
Nicolas Duvauchelle plays the role of Adrien Wrinkler, a troubled soul exceptionally well. His character creates the base of the story as all strings join back to him in the end.
Axel Granberger who plays the role of young Albert gives the criminal essence to the series. His character stands out the most. He is also the character that experiences major character development throughout the story. Granberger’s performance assures the audience of the fact that young love is fierce, deadly, and everlasting.
Alyzée Costes is the charm of the series. She executes the role of young Solange to the very best. Her character development from a shy, timid girl to one who is obsessed with committing crimes sets the tone of the entire series.
The series stands out in showcasing flashes from the past and their relevance in the relationships of the present. Truths unfold in the second half of the series which leaves the audience astonished at the end of every episode.
Reflecting light on the technicalities of the series, the cinematographers have done an excellent job of making every frame seem important and visually appealing. Editors use different colour schemes to reflect upon the past as well as the present.
Mellow tones set for the subtleness of time yet the impending danger that follows. Sombre tones give the feel of the present which is not as thriving as the past due to old age and slowed pace.
The series feeds too much information in the way of casual delivery of dialogues. There are instances wherein a visual portrayal of the scene could have created a greater impact than just utter words.
It gets difficult to keep up with the story at times as every scene has a story in itself to tell. Hence, the series cannot be recommended for casual surfing.
The essence of the series lay in its complexity. However, there are times when a particular subplot feels futile and unnecessary as it twists the story even further, making it hard to judge which story calls for the mainstream of thought.
The series is enticing to its core and keeps the audience in their seats wanting more. The beauty of Black Butterflies lay in its subtleness. However, the creators made sure that the subtleness teases the brain into believing in a particular character’s truth, even when it is uncertain and all a lie.
Also Read: Black Butterflies (2022) ending explained: What is Albert Desiderio’s secret?