In the second episode of Wolf Pack, the teenagers start feeling the effects of the rising full moon while Garrett tries to survive in the fire. The episode is now streaming on Paramount+.
Blake panics and runs away from Everett, Luna, and Harlan. The three follow her and realize that they are running toward the fire.
They run into firefighters; one of them had earlier asked Luna and Harlan to return home. When they do not answer her questions truthfully, she escorts them home.
On their way, Luna wants to talk to Everett and Blake about what happened, but Harlan keeps interrupting the conversation, as he does not trust Everett and Blake.
Luna asks the two if they were bitten, and Everett truthfully tells her about their bite marks. He even tries to show the bite mark to the twins, but it has healed completely now, leaving no traces behind.
Everett reaches home to see his angry mother waiting for him. She slaps him, and his father does not say anything to comfort him, leaving the discussion for the morning.
Blake’s bite mark is also gone, but she sees her reflection with teeth for an instant. She notices a recorded message on the phone in their motel room and plays it. The person who left the message tells her that she is not safe.
The firefighter informs the twins that they cannot get to Garrett on foot. It will take time to find and rescue him via helicopters. She assures them that Garrett is capable of surviving out there for a week.
Luna wants to talk to Everett and Blake, but Harlan does not want to risk it; he does not want to tell the two the secrets that could get the twins killed. However, Luna plans to share the secrets with them because she believes that they are their secrets also.
Blake and Everett have difficulty falling asleep, but once they do, they sleep the day away. Blake sees herself lying next to Everett and wakes up scared. Meanwhile, a paranoid Garrett, trapped in the fire, is trying his best to survive.
He thinks about the time he thought he had found two pups, only to realize that they have transformed into human babies overnight.
Everett and Blake perform similar actions in their sleep. Blake finds out that her father did not make some payments, which means they do not have home insurance.
Everett’s mother asks him to forget about their previous interaction, and Ramsey comes to Everett’s house to question him. He tells her that he ran from the hospital to meet Blake, but she, along with another officer, does not believe him.
Ramsey does not think he is the perpetrator yet, but she knows he has something to hide. She elaborates that arsonists like to watch their work. Most of them set their first fire before the age of 18, and the cause is often mental health issues.
Ramsey then questions Everett about the students who were on the bus with him that day.
Luna wants to go out and look for Garrett, but Harlan stops her. He decides to go to the gym to distract himself.
Everett’s friend, Connor, was also bitten by what he claims to be a coyote. Everett asks him to get it checked by the doctor once more and call him to let him know what the doctor said.
Blake is questioned by Ramsey. Everett comes to meet her again. He plays with Danny, who does not usually talk to strangers. He asks her if she has been feeling something because of the rising full moon.
Connor gets a tetanus shot at the hospital and feels acute pain. He is given medicines and sedatives, but despite the high dose of sedatives, he is still awake. He gets a call from someone; the person tells him that he should run because he is in danger.
Luna and Harlan both start having visions and feeling discomfort. While another boy at the gym helps Harlan, Luna has no help at home. She gets a message from Harlan, informing her that Garrett has been found.
Everett and Blake discuss that they feel different and good in a way. Everett cannot stop looking at her. They almost kiss, but Everett gets a call from Connor. The two decide to go to the hospital to help him.
Luna and Harlan also arrive at the hospital to see Garrett, who is being brought there. Ramsey finds them, as she wants to speak with them.
Connor is being chased by a werewolf. He manages to escape from the hospital, but his cast gets stuck in a fence. He breaks the cast, but still, the werewolf catches him.
Everett and Blake part ways to look for Connor. Everett finds his cast, and Ramsey, who has caught Blake, catches him red-handed to question him again.
- The show continues to be dull. When the viewers are given a glimpse of Everett’s relationship with his parents, for a moment it felt like the episode might get interesting, but the scene ended in the blink of an eye
- The paranormal scenes failed to invoke fear. The scenes that were based on the frightening reality of humans, like Garrett being trapped in the fire or Connor breaking his cast, were scarier than them.
- Everett and Blake’s relationship in this episode develops at a rapid pace. Perhaps that is why the romantic moment that they share seems out of place and forced. The show should at least take its time with the story of the lead characters.
Also Read: Wolf Pack season 1 episode 1 recap & review: From a Spark to a Flame