Silo season 1 episode 4 recap & review: Truth

In the fourth episode of Silo, Juliette starts her first day as the new sheriff after the death of Mayor Jahns. She soon finds out that no one at the upper levels is pleased to have her. The episode is now streaming on Apple TV+.


Juliette arrives at the mayor’s office and overhears the discussion between Marnes, Bernard, and Sims about Jahns’ death. Marnes likes to think that he was the original target. If Jahns hadn’t drunk from his bottle, she still would have been alive.

Marnes believes someone from the Mids tried to poison him. He demands a focused Judicial list of every criminal who has crossed his path. Bernard notices Juliette and welcomes her.

In accordance with the pact, Bernard will be serving as Mayor Pro Tem, at least until elections can be held. Once he is sworn in, he will come to her and swear her into her new role.

Juliette heads to the sheriff’s department and gets familiar with the surroundings. Sandy hands her the keys to the main door, her office, and Holston’s apartment, which will now be hers.

Sandy shows signs that she isn’t exactly happy to have someone from lower levels as sheriff. Juliette establishes her dominance by reminding Sandy that she is her boss now.

Once Sandy is away, Juliette continues her tour, looking for George Wilkins’ file and whether Holston has left any clues behind. Bernard later drops by to swear Juliette in as the new sheriff.

Juliette receives a uniform and a badge. Juliette also points out that Bernard once called her a thief, and now he is swearing her in as the new sheriff. Bernard addresses that she wasn’t his first choice.

Now that she is officially a sheriff, Juliette has access to Holston’s files. So she continues her hunt for George Wilkins’ file. Sandy informs Juliette that the Judicial doesn’t have a file on Wilkins and also tells her about a file Holston has left for her.

Juliette finds a note inside that file. She is soon called to the Mids to stop a scuffle. Marnes is beating an ex-criminal named Franky, believing that he tried to poison him.

Juliette stops Marnes, calms him down, and takes him to the cafeteria. Even Marnes is not happy about having an inexperienced Juliette as sheriff.

Juliette needs friends here at the top. She tells him what she and Holston were up to. Juliette proposes a deal to Marnes. If he helps her find out who killed George, she will help him find Jahns’ killer.

Once both of their missions are completed, she will head back to Mechanical, and he can get someone else to do this job. They get along after a confrontation with one of the residents of Silo. Marnes has pissed off a lot of people and is advised by Juliette to stay alert.

Juliette visits the Recycling, looking for things like a hard disk and script paper that must have come from Holston’s. Meanwhile, Sims arrives at Marnes’ to inform him that paperwork is ready to make the new sheriff former and have Billings, their choice, join in.

Marnes is not ready to let Juliette go now that he has gotten to know her. He tells Sims that they should wait and let Juliette fail on her own.

Martha inquires how Juliette is doing and if she has found any allies. Martha gets the camcorder that Juliette gave her fixed. Back at Marnes’ house, he is attacked by an unknown assailant.

Marnes gives this man a tough fight, but in the end, he finds himself at gunpoint. Juliette, on the other hand, decides to get the piece stuck inside her house’s vent, which has been bothering her, out. That piece leads her to the file of Geroge Wilkins, which Holston may have kept hidden from the Judicial.

Amidst all of this, flashback scenes provide details on Juliette’s past. Juliette and her father suffered from trauma after losing Juliette’s younger brother and mother.

Juliette’s father, Dr. Pete, was so busy in clinics that he wasn’t able to give Juliette time. Juliette had to do the stuff that she wasn’t supposed to do at the mere age of 13. Ultimately, she decided to follow what she is good at and joined Mechanical.

Even her father allowed her to pursue it after hearing that she is happy with this job and that it helps her keep her mind off her mother and younger brother’s memories.


  • The fourth episode of Silo is hardly an episode full of developments. It is slow but also feels like a much-needed break from all the mysteries that the characters are discovering.
  • Juliette is given a good amount of time to settle into her new role. Rebecca Ferguson portrays Juliette in such a way that she looks like an amateur at this new job but definitely deserving.
  • The fourth episode also highlights the class difference that exists in the society of Silo. Juliette is not respected as someone from Down Deep. While the residents at the top despise her, she gives hope to the people at the lower levels.
  • Silo invested a decent amount of time to forge an alliance between Juliette and Marnes. The only takeaway from this episode would be the fact that the show doesn’t give proper direction to the mysteries and makes viewers wait another week to move forward with its story.
Silo season 1 episode 4
Silo season 1 episode 4 recap & review: Truth 1

Director: David Semel

Date Created: 2023-05-19 06:30

Editor's Rating:

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