Andor season 1 episode 9 recap & review: Nobody’s Listening!

Episode 9 revolves around the ISB getting further into their investigation into Cassian Andor and finding out the identity of Luthen Rael. The episode is now streaming on Disney+.


Dedra begins her interrogation of Bix and warns her that if she’s not cooperative, she’ll have to deal with Dr Gorst and his new method of questioning which has proved quite effective.

Cassian is continuing his imprisonment on Narkina 5 at the Imperial factory but he’s involved in a network of people exchanging information and trying to gather more about the facility.

Dedra hands Bix over to Dr Gorst who puts a listening device on her head and then plays a sound which has an excruciating effect on the listener. He even explains how the Empire got that sound in the first place.

One of the members of Cassian’s table is an old man named Ulaf who is close to completing his term, but he’s also suffering the effects of his age which is affecting his productivity.

Dedra gets most of the information she requires from Bix except for the identity of Luthen. She orders that Bix be kept alive as a witness for the future. Mon Mothma makes a speech in the Senate about the rising overreach of the Empire.

On her way home, she is informed that her cousin has arrived. Her cousin turns out to be Vel who Mon has been looking for for 6 months.

There’s something strange going on in the factory and the prisoners are getting agitated while Kino tries to keep everyone in line. Cassian tries to convince him that being an obedient prisoner is pointless because the Empire simply doesn’t care enough to focus on them.

Vel and Mon discuss the path they have taken and the side they have chosen with differing mindsets. While Vel is steadfast in her loyalty to the cause, Mon is cautious and worried about what she’s gotten into.

Syril is having breakfast while listening to his mother ramble on about the sacrifices she’s made to get him a job. He tells her that he’s been promoted and then is seen waiting outside the ISB.

He stops Dedra when he sees and thanks her for her dedication to finding the truth and getting justice and he sounds like a fanatic.

Tay Kolma meets Mon and tells her that there are some issues with her accounts and she’ll need to get in touch with a shady individual to fix them, something she’s not so keen on doing.

Dedra is trying to make the connection between Cassian and Aldhani. Meanwhile, they capture a rebel pilot from Anto Kreegyr’s crew and plan to use this opportunity to set a trap for the rebels.

Ulaf’s condition grows worse and when they’re leaving at the end of their shift, he suffers a stroke in the walkway. Kino and Cassian stay behind with him waiting for the medtech while the others go back to their bunks.

The medtech is another prisoner and while he’s treating Ulaf, Cassian and Kino ask him what’s going on in the factory. The medtech says that a prisoner who was released showed up on another floor the next day and they killed all the inmates on that floor to cover it up.

He says that Ulaf won’t make it and gives him something to help him pass without pain. He also says that this fate is better because no one is getting out anymore after the crackdown from the Empire.

Kino is finally convinced and shows that he’s ready to help Cassian with any information that he needs.


  • There is a scene where the sound mutes as Bix is given the listening device and the camera closes in on her face to capture the terror in her eyes as she’s being tortured. This moment is an amalgamation of stellar cinematography, sound design and acting to serve up a brilliant moment on screen.
  • The Mon Mothma side plot feels slightly confusing in the story that it’s trying to tell and isn’t as engaging. The friction between Mon and her daughter also feels like an afterthought at this point and isn’t explored sufficiently.
  • Syril’s character is written so intricately and feels like one of the most interesting characters in the series. He’s such a man-child and in this episode appears so much more like a deranged obsessive creep who gets off on justice.
  • Watching Andy Serkis act is always a pleasure, especially when he’s not in a mo-cap role. His character of Kino will be key in the final few episodes of the series.
Andor season 1 episode 9
Andor season 1 episode 9 recap & review: Nobody's Listening! 1

Director: Toby Haynes

Date Created: 2022-11-02 12:30

Editor's Rating:

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